ISI Journals: 2002
- J. Ortiz C., and C. V. Deutsch, (2002). “Calculation of the uncertainty in the variogram”, Mathematical Geology, volume 34, number 2, p 169-183.
- L. Cifuentes, et al., (2002). “On the electrodialysis of cupric sulfate – sulfuric and solutions with metallic impurities”, J. Membrane Sci., 1-16.
- A. Casali, G. González, H. Agusto and G. Vallebuona, (2002). “Dynamic simulator of a rougher flotation circuit for a copper sulphide ore”. Minerals Engineering, Vol. 15, Nº 4, pp. 253 – 262.
- A. Warczok, G. Riveros, P. Echeverría, C.M. Díaz, H. Schwarze and G. Sánchez, (2002). “Factors governing slag clearing in an electric furnace”. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, vol 41, p. 465-473.
- X. Emery, (2002). “Conditional simulation of nongaussian random functions”, Mathematical Geology, Vol. 34, n°1, p.79-100.