
The Department of Mining Engineering (DIMIN in spanish) is part of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile. Its primary objective are the scientific research of the subjects of mining and extractive metallurgy, undergraduate, graduate and professional (diplomas) teaching. It also plays a role as a link with the industry though multiple extension activities.

The Department of Mining Engineering is responsible for the Bachelor degree in Mining and Extractive Metallurgy, the Master in Mining Engineering and the PhD in Mining Engineering.

Students, researchers, and professors are involved in basic and applied research through the Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC), CSIRO Chile and the Mining Operations Research Center (CIOMIN in Spanish).


  • To bring new fundamental and applied knowledge on the area of mining engineering, mineral processing and extractive metallurgy.
  • To prepare bachelor and graduate students, but also provide engineers, geologists, geophysicists, and other related fields, with the state-of-the-art in mining and extractive metallurgy through Diplomas and Continuing Education.
  • To organize national and international events and congresses; and engage in the international academic affairs.
  • To contribute to the development of public policies for the national mining industry.


  • To become a referent in the generation of basic and applied knowledge, and technological solutions in mining and extractive metallurgy.
  • To strength our status as a link beteween the society and the research, education, and culture related to the mining activity.
  • To influence the mining industry, in technical and organizational areas, sustainability and public policies.