Sciences, mention in Computer Science
- Sciences, mention in Astronomy
- Sciences, mention in Computer Science
- Sciences, mention in Physics
- Sciences, mention in Geophysics
- Sciences, mention in Geology
- Engineering Sciences, mention in Electrical Engineering
- Applied Mathematics
- Engineering Sciences, mention in Geotechnical Engineering
- Engineering Sciences, mention Chemical
- Engineering Sciences, mention in Earthquake Engineering
- Engineering Sciences, mention in Mechanics
- Engineering Sciences, mention in Extractive Metallurgy
- Engineering Sciences, mention in Resources and the Water
- Engineering Sciences, mention in Transport
- Applied Economics
- Operations Management
- Master of Business Administration
- Public Management and Policies
- Global MBA
- Business Engineering with Information Technologies
Master in Sciences, mention in Computer Science
Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas
This program was accredited by National Committee on Accreditation
Prof. Nancy Hitschfeld
75 UF (semestral)
This Master provides students a solid training in the theoretical and applied fields of Computer Science, and also the opportunity to take part in research projects to become in experts in technology transference, research and teaching; experts that are strongly required in Chile and abroad.
The areas covered by the Master are: Data Base and Information Systems, Applied Cryptography, Designing Algorithms and Data Structure, Education Computing, Software Engineering, Web Research; Programming Languages, Theoretical Computer Science and Logic, Geometric Modeling, Information Retrieval, Networks, Distributed Systems and Parallelism, Computer Security, Collaborative Systems, Triangulations, Algorithms, Visualizations and Interdisciplinary Applications.
At the end of the Master, graduates are highly able to identify, analyze and solve computing problems of any institution.
Pan de estudios
Requisitos de admisión
Students wishing to apply for Master programs offered by the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile must have a bachelor or a professional degree in a similar area, granted by a national or international university certifying a solid background in the specific area of the Master program. The Academic Committee of the program will review each application taking into account all the required background.
Applicants have to submit all their educational records at the moment of applying. Some of them are:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Application Form
- Transcript of records of the previous courses and their programs in case they come from other national or international universities.
- Bachelor's or professional diploma
- A letter of intention, and at least two letters of recommendation.