Internacionales: 2021

  • Castillo, E y Roa, C. “Defining geological maturity: The effect of discoveries on early-stage mineral exploration”. Resources Policy, vol. 74 art. 102378, 2021. 
  • Castillo, E. “The impacts of profit-based royalties on early-stage mineral exploration”. Resources Policy, vol. 173 art. 102231, 2021. 
  • R. Ferrer, X. Emery, M. Maleki, F. Navarro, 2021. “Modeling the uncertainty in the layout of geological units by implicit boundary simulation accounting for a preexisting interpretive geological model”. Natural Resources Research, Vol. 30, p. 4123-4145.
  • F. Khorram, O. Asghari, H. Memarian, A.H. Morshedy, X.M. Emery, 2021. “The fuzzy classification of geometallurgical domains”. Bulletin of Geophysics and Oceanography, Vol. 62, n°3, p. 467-484.
  • X. Emery, A. Alegría, D. Arroyo, 2021. “Covariance models and simulation algorithm for stationary vector random fields on spheres crossed with Euclidean spaces”. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 43, n°5, p. A3114-A3134.
  • S.T. Hosseini, O. Asghari, X. Emery, 2021. “An enhanced Direct Sampling (DS) approach to model the geological domain with locally varying proportions: Application to Golgohar iron ore mine, Iran”. Ore Geology Reviews, Vol. 139, Part A, article 104452.
  • A. Hekmatnejad, B. Crespin, P.Z. Pan, X. Emery, F. Mancilla, M. Morales, M. Seyedrahimi-Niaraq, P. Schachter, R. Gonzalez, 2021. “A hybrid approach to predict hang-up frequency in block cave mining at El Teniente mine, Chile”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 118, article 104160.
  • L.K. Sánchez, X. Emery, S.A. Séguret, 2021. “Geostatistical modeling of Rock Quality Designation (RQD) and geotechnical zoning accounting for directional dependence and scale effect”. Engineering Geology, Vol. 293, article 106338.
  • F. Khorram, O. Asghari, H. Memarian, A.H. Morshedy, X. Emery, 2021. “Adaptive multi-size block modeling for mineral resources and ore reserves evaluation”. Journal of Mining and Environment, Vol. 12, n°2, p. 339-350.
  • A. Adeli, P. Dowd, X. Emery, C. Xu, 2021. “Using cokriging to predict metal recovery accounting for non-additivity and preferential sampling designs”. Minerals Engineering, Vol. 170, article 106923.
  • J.A. Guartán, X. Emery 2021. “Predictive lithological mapping based on geostatistical joint modeling of lithology and geochemical element concentrations”. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 227, article 106810.
  • M. Armstrong, T. Lagos, X. Emery, T. Homem-de-Mello, G. Lagos, D. Saure, 2021. “Adaptive open-pit mining planning under geological uncertainty”. Resources Policy, Vol. 72, article 102086.
  • S. Paravarzar, Y. Pourrahimian, H. Askari-Nasab, X. Emery, 2021. “Short-term underground mine planning: a review”. International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering, Vol. 12, n°1, p. 1-33.
  • J.A. Guartán, X. Emery, 2021. “Regionalized classification of geochemical data with filtering of measurement noises for predictive lithological mapping”. Natural Resources Research, Vol. 30, n°2, p. 1033-1052.
  • S. Paravarzar, H. Askari-Nasab, Y. Pourrahimian, X. Emery, 2021. “Operational mine planning in block cave mining: a simulation-optimization approach”. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, Vol. 35, n°3, p. 199-218.
  • S. Paravarzar, H. Askari-Nasab, Y. Pourrahimian, X. Emery, 2021. “Simultaneous multi-sector block cave mine production scheduling considering operational uncertainties”. Transactions of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining, A: Mining Technology, Vol. 130, n°1, p. 36-51.
  • R. Wilson, N. Toro, O. Naranjo, X. Emery, A. Navarra, 2021. “Integration of geostatistical modeling into discrete event simulation for development of tailings dam retreatment applications”. Minerals Engineering, Vol. 164, article 106814.
  • M. Pinheiro, X. Emery, T. Miranda, L. Lamas, M. Espada, 2021. “Using geotechnical scenarios for underground structure analysis: a case study in a hydroelectric complex in northern Portugal”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 111, article 103855.
  • A. Adeli, X. Emery, 2021. “Geostatistical simulation of rock physical and geochemical properties with spatial filtering and its application to predictive geological mapping”. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 220, article 106661.    
  • D. Arroyo, X. Emery, 2021, “Algorithm 1013: An R implementation of a continuous spectral algorithm for simulating vector Gaussian random fields in Euclidean spaces”. Transactions on Mathematical software, Vol. 47, n°1, article 8, p. 1-25. 
  • A. Alegría, X. Emery, E. Porcu, 2021. “Bivariate Matérn covariances with cross-dimple for modeling coregionalized variables”. Spatial Statistics, Vol. 41, article 100491.
  • Behar, O., Peña, R., Kouro, S., Kracht, W., Fuentealba, E., Moran, L., and Sbarbaro, D. (2021). "The use of solar energy in the copper mining processes: A comprehensive review". Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 4:100259.
  • Moreno-Leiva, S., Haas, J., Nowak, W., Kracht, W., Eltrop, L., and Breyer, C. (2021). "Integration of seawater pumped storage and desalination in multi-energy systems planning: The case of copper as a key material for the energy transition". Applied Energy, 299:117298.
  • González-Poggini, S., Luque Consuegra, G., Kracht, W., Rudolph, M., and Colet-Lagrille, M. (2021). "Electrochemical characterization of sulphide minerals – Halophilic bacteria surface interaction for bioflotation applications". Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B.