Revistas ISI: 2014
- D. Arroyo, X. Emery (2014) “Simulation of intrinsic random fields of order k with Gaussian generalized increments by Gibbs sampling”. Mathematical Geosciences, in press.
- Carol A. Johnson, Gina Freyer, Maria Fabisch, Manuel A. Caraballo, Kirsten Küsel, Michael F. Hochella Jr., (2014). “Multi-scale characterization of incidental nanoparticles in metal polluted mine drainage transitioning from anoxic-reducing groundwater to oxic-oxidizing surface waters”. Environmental Chemistry, 11, 377.
- T. Trewhela, C. F. Ihle & A. Tamburrino, (2014). “Numerical simulations of comminution slurries over complex topographies: putting together CFD and pipeline integrity”. Minerals Engineering, 63:139-148.
- C. F. Ihle, A. Tamburrino & S. Montserrat, (2014). “Identifying the relative importance of energy and water costs in hydraulic transport systems through a combined physics- and cost-based indicator”. Journal of Cleaner Production. In press. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.11.070.
- C. F. Ihle, A. Tamburrino & S. Montserrat, (2014). “Computational modeling for efficient long distance ore transport using pipelines”. Minerals Engineering, 63:73-80.
- C. F. Ihle, (2014). “Should maximum pressures in ore pipelines be computed out of system startups or power outages”. Minerals Engineering, 55: 57-59.
- Montes Atenas G., Valenzuela F., Montes S., (2014). “Effectiveness of pine bark activation onto heavy metals adsorption for different pulp densities”. Environmetal Earth Sciences (accepted).
- Ortiz, J. M., Magri, E. J., (2014). “Designing and advanced RC drilling grid for short-term planning in open pit mines: three case studies”, accepted, The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (ISI).
- Rezaee, H., Asghari, O., Koneshloo, M., Ortiz, J. M., (2014). “Multiple-point geostatistical simulation of dykes: application at sungun porphyry copper system”, Iran, published online, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (ISI).
- Pérez, C., Mariethoz, G., Ortiz, J. M., (2014). “Verifying the high-order consistency of training images with data for multiple-point geostatistics”, Computers & Geosciences (ISI), 70: 190-205.
- Peredo, O., Ortiz, J. M., Herrero, J. R., Samaniego, C., (2014). “Tuning and hybrid parallelization of a genetic-based multi-point statistics simulation code”, Parallel Computing (ISI), 40: 144-158.
- A. Vargas-Uscategui, E. Mosquera, J. M. López-Encarnación, B. Chornik, R. S. Katiyar, L. Cifuentes, (2014). “Characterization of rhenium compounds obtained by electrochemical synthesis after aging process“, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 220, 17-21.
- R.L. Castro, P.S. Paredes, (2014). “Empirical observations of dilution in panel Caving”. The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.Volume 114.
- R. L. Castro, M. A. Fuenzalida, Fernando Lund, (2014). “Experimental study of gravity flow under confined conditions”. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67, 164–169.
- H. Talebi, O. Asghari, X. Emery, (2014). “Simulation of the lately injected dykes in an Iranian porphyry copper deposit using the plurigaussian model”. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 7, n°7, p. 2771-2780.
- M. Maleki, N. Madani, X. Emery, (2014). “Capping and kriging grades with long-tailed distributions”. The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol. 114, no. 3, p. 255-263.
- P. Afzal, S.H. Alhoseini, B. Tokhmechi, D.K. Ahangaran, A.B. Yasrebi, N. Madani, A. Wetherelt, (2014). “Outlining of high quality coking coal by concentration–volume fractal model and turning bands simulation in East-Parvadeh coal deposit, Central Iran”. International Journal of Coal Geology, vol. 127, p. 88-99.
- X. Emery, D. Arroyo, M. Peláez, (2014). “Simulating large gaussian random vectors subject to inequality constraints by gibbs sampling”. Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 46, n°3, p. 265-283.
- X. Emery, C. Lantuéjoul, (2014). “Can a training image be a substitute for a random field model“. Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 46, n°2, p. 133-147.