Revistas ISI: 2010
- Manuel A. Caraballo, Esther Santofimia and Adam P. Jarvis, (2010). “Metal retention, mineralogy and design considerations of a mature Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) for acidic mine water drainage in Northumberland, UK”. American Mineralogist 95, 1642-1649.
- Manuel A. Caraballo, Tobias S. Rötting and Veronica Silva, (2010). “Implementation of an MgO-based metal removal step in the passive treatment system of Shilbottle, UK: Column experiments”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 181, 923-930.
- B. Escobar, S. Buccicardi, G. Morales, J. Wiertz, (2010). "Biooxidation of ferrous iron and sulphide at low temperatures: Implications on acid mine drainage and bioleching of sulphide minerals". Hydrometallurgy, vol. 104, n°3-4, p. 454-458.
- Newman, A.M., Rubio, E., Caro, R., Weintraub, A., Eurek, K., (2010). A review of operations research in mine planning. Interfaces, vol. 40, nº3, p. 222-245.
- Voisin, L. Okura, T. and Itagaki, K., (2010). “Phase relations, activities and precious metal distribution in the Fe-Pb-Cu-Sb system saturated with carbon at 1473 K”, Mater. Trans., JIM, (in review).
- Voisin, L. Ohtsuka, M. and Nakamura, T., (2010). “Titanium doped ITO thin films produced by sputtering method”, Mater. Trans., JIM, 51, No. 3, 503-509,2010.M. Li. Mitrasinovic, T. Utigard, G. Plascencia, A. Warczok, 2009. “Silicon rod heat generation and current distribution”. Journal of Crystal Growth 312, p. 141-145.
- X. Emery, (2010). “On the existence of mosaic and indicator random fields with spherical, circular and triangularvariograms”, Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 42, nº8, p. 969-984.
- X. Emery, (2010). “Iterative algorithms for fitting a linear model of coregionalization”. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 36, nº9, p. 1150-1160.
- X. Emery, J. Cornejo, (2010). “Truncated Gaussian simulation of discrete-valued, ordinal coregionalized variables”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 36, nº10, p. 1325-1338.
- X. Emery, (2010). “Multi-Gaussian kriging and simulation in the presence of an uncertain mean value”, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 24, nº2, p. 211-219.
- X. Emery, J. Hernández, (2010). “A computer package for modeling and simulating regionalized count variables”. Computers &Geosciences, Vol. 36, no.1, p. 24-33.
- Cho, N. F., Tiampo, K. F., Mckinnon, S. D., Vallejos, J. A., Klein, W., Dominguez, R., (2010). “A simple metric to quantify seismicity clustering”, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 17, 293-302.
- Kracht, W., Finch, J.A., (2010). “Effect of frother on initial bubble shape and velocity”, International Journal of Mineral Processing 94 (3-4), 115-120.
- Suazo, C.J., Kracht, W., Alruiz, O.M., (2010). “Geometallurgical modelling of the Collahuasi flotation circuit”. Minerals Engineering, 23 (2), 137-142.
- X. Emery, (2010). “Multi-Gaussian kriging and simulation in the presence of an uncertain mean value”, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 24, nº2, p. 211-219.
- X. Emery, J. Hernández, (2010). “A computer package for modeling and simulating regionalized count variables”. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 36, no.1, p. 24-33.
- Vallejos, J.A. and McKinnon, S.D., (2010). "Omori’s Law Applied to Mining Induced Seismicity and Re-entry Protocol Development". Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 167, pp. 91-106.