Revistas ISI: 2006
- Voisin, L. and Itagaki, K., (2006). “Phase relations, activities and minor element distribution in Cu-Fe-S and Cu-Fe-S-As systems saturated with carbon at 1473 K”, Mater. Trans., JIM, 47, No. 12, 2963-2971.
- Voisin, L. and Itagaki, K., (2006). “Activities of liquid Fe-As and Fe-Sb Alloys saturated with carbon “, Rare Metals, 25, No. 5, 488-491.
- P. Maxwell, (2006). “Was there a nickel shakeout?”, Minerals & Energy – Raw Materials Reports, Vol. 21, nº3-4, p. 42-56.
- X. Emery, (2006). “Two ordinary kriging approaches to predicting block grade distributions”, Mathematical Geology, 38(7): 801-819.
- J.V. Wiertz, M. Mateo, B. Escobar, (2006). “Mechanism of pyrite catalysis of As(III) oxidation in bioleaching solutions at 30ºC and 70ºC”, Hydrometallurgy,Vol. 83, p. 35-39.
- X. Emery, J.M. Ortiz and J.J. Rodríguez, (2006). “Quantifying uncertainty in mineral resources by use of classification schemes and conditional simulations”, Mathematical Geology, 38(4), 445-464.
- J. M. Ortiz and X. Emery, (2006). “Geostatistical estimation of mineral resources with soft geological boundaries: a comparative study”, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 106(8), 577-584.
- L. Cifuentes, J. M. Casas, J. Simpson, (2006). “Temperature dependence of the speciation of copper and iron in acidic electrolytes”, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 84(A10): 965-969.
- J. A. McLennan, J. M. Ortiz, C. V. Deutsch, (2006). “Geostatistical simulation of optimum mining elevations for nickel laterite deposits”, CIM Magazine, 1 (6), 8 p, paper 22, September/October 2006.
- L. Cifuentes, G. Crisóstomo, M. Mella, (2006). “Predicting the coverage ratio of copper electrodeposits obtained on mesh cathodes”, Minerals Engineering 19(13): 1385-1387.
- X. Emery, C. Lantuéjoul, (2006). “TBSIM: A computer program for conditional simulation of three-dimensional Gaussian random fields via the turning bands method”, Computers & Geosciences, 32 (10): 1615-1628.
- X. Emery, 2006, “A disjunctive kriging program for assessing point-support conditional distributions”, Computers & Geosciences, 32(7): 965-983.
- J. M. Casas, G. Crisóstomo and L. Cifuentes, (2006). “Dissolution of metallic copper in aqueous sulphuric acid – ferric sulphate solutions”, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 45 (3), 243-248.
- L. Cifuentes, I García, R. Ortiz, J. M. Casas, 2006, “The use of electrohydrolysis for the recovery of sulphuric acid from copper-containing solutions”, Separation and Purification Technology, 50, 167-174.
- R.M. Jara, A. Couble, X. Emery, E.J. Magri and J.M. Ortiz, (2006). “Block size selection and its impact on open pit design and mine planning”, Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 106 (3), 205-211.
- X. Emery, (2006). “Ordinary multigaussian kriging for mapping conditional probabilities of soil properties”, Geoderma, 132 (1-2), 75-88.
- L. Cifuentes, M. Grágeda, G. Crisóstomo, (2006). “Electrowinning of copper in two-and three-compartment reactive electrodialysis cells”, Chem. Eng. Sci. 61 (11), 3623-3631.
- L. Cifuentes, M. Mella, (2006). “On the physical quality of copper electrodeposits obtained on mesh cathodes”, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 45 (1), 9-16.
- X. Emery, (2006). “Multigaussian kriging for point-support estimation: incorporating constraints on the sum of the kriging weights”, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 20 (1-2), 53-65.