Revistas ISI: 2005
- Kimio Itagaki, Dexter G. Mendoza, Leandro Voisin and Mitsuhisa Hino, (2005). “Activity of arsenic in liquid Cu-Fe base slloys”, Monatshefte fur Chemie, 136, 1847-1852.
- Voisin, L. Henao, H. M. Hino, M. and Itagaki, K., (2005). “Phase relations, activities and minor elements distribution in Fe-Pb-As and Fe-Pb-Sb systems saturated with carbon at 1473 K”, Mater. Trans., JIM, 46, No. 12, 3030-3036.
- Voisin, L. Henao, H. M. and Itagaki, K., (2005). “Phase relations and distribution of some minor elements in Cu-Fe-Sb system saturated with carbon at 1473 K“, Mater. Trans., JIM, 46, No. 1, 74-79.
- L. Cifuentes, E. Astete, G. Crisóstomo, J. Simpson, G. Cifuentes, M. Pilleux, (2005). “Corrosion and protection of lead anodes in acidic copper sulphate solutions”, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 40 (4), 321-327.
- A. Ebensperger, P. Maxwell and C. Moscoso, (2005). “The lithium industry: Its recent evolution and future prospects”, Resources Policy, 30 (3), 218-231.
- J. M. Casas, G. Crisóstomo, L. Cifuentes, (2005). “Aqueous speciation of the Fe(II)-Fe(III)-H2SO4 system at 25 and 50ºC”, Hydrometallurgy, 80, 254-264.
- A. Warczok, G. Riveros, T. Utigard, M. Artigas, (2005). “Electrolysis of liquid fayalite slags”, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 44 (4), 563-570.
- L. Cifuentes, M. Grágeda, C. Mondaca, (2005). “Preparation and performance of coke anodes for ferrous to ferric ion oxidation in a new copper electrowinning cell”, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 44 (4), 463-468.
- X. Emery, (2005). “Geostatistical simulation of random fields with bivariate isofactorial distributions by adding mosaic models”, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 19 (5), 348-360.
- G. Vallebuona, A. Casali y W. Kracht, (2005). “Caracterización y modelación de las distribuciones de tamaños de burbujas en celdas de flotación con agitación mecánica”; Revista de Metalurgia, 41 (4), 243 – 250.
- X. Emery, J. P. Bertini, and J. M. Ortiz, (2005). “Resource and reserve evaluation in the presence of imprecise data”, CIM Bulletin, 98 (1089), 12 p.
- W. Kracht, G. Vallebuona and A. Casali, (2005). “Rate constant modelling for batch flotation, as a function of gas dispersion properties”, Minerals Engineering, 18 (11), 1067-1076.
- L. Cifuentes, R. Ortiz, J. M. Casas, (2005). “Electrowinning of copper in a squirrel-cage cell with anion membrane”, AIChE Journal 51(8), 2273-2284.
- L. Cifuentes, J. Simpson, (2005) “Temperature dependence of the cathodic and anodic kinetics in a copper electrowinning cell based on reactive electrodialysis”, Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (17), 4915-4923.
- G. Vallebuona y F. Niedbalski, (2005). “Muestreo de minerales: análisis de sensibilidad y factores de corrección para la ecuación de Pierre Gy”; Revista de Metalurgia, 41 (1), 28-37.
- X. Emery, (2005). “Conditional simulation of random fields with bivariate gamma isofactorial distributions”, Mathematical Geology, 37 (4), 419-445.
- T. Marin, T. A. Utigard, (2005). “The kinetics and mechanism of molten copper oxidation by top blowing of oxygen”, Journal of Metals, 57 (7), 58-62.
- T. A. Utigard, G. Plascencia, T. Marín, A. E. M. Warner, J. Liu, A. Vahed, M. Muinonen, (2005). “Hydrogen reduction of industrial nickel oxides”, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 44 (3).
- T. A. Utigard, M. Wu, G. Plascencia, and T. Marin, (2005). “Reduction of goro nickel oxide using hydrogen”, Chemical Engineering Science, 60, 2061-2068.
- X. Emery and J. M. Ortiz, (2005). “Estimation of mineral resources using grade domains: critical analysis and a suggested methodology”, The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 105 (4), 247-255.
- X. Emery, (2005). “Simple and ordinary multigaussian kriging for estimating recoverable reserves”, Mathematical Geology, 37 (3), 295-319.
- X. Emery, (2005). “Variograms of order w: a tool to validate a bivariate distribution model”, Mathematical Geology, 37 (2), 163-181.
- X. Emery and J. F. Soto Torres, (2005). “Models for support and information effects: a comparative study”, Mathematical Geology, 37 (1), 49-68.
- J.V. Wiertz, F.A. Marinkovic, (2005). “Dissolved pollutant transport in tailings ponds”, Environmental Geology, 47 (2), 237-240.
- X. Emery, J. M. Ortiz, (2005). “Histogram and variogram inference in the multigaussian model”, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 19 (1), 48-58.
- G. Plascencia, T. Utigard, and T. Marin, (2005). “Oxidation resistance of copper-aluminum alloys at temperaturas up to 1000ºC”, Journal of Metals, 57 (1), 80-84.