Internacionales 2024
- F. Khorram, X. Emery, M. Maleki, G. País, 2024. “Non-monotonic transformation for Gaussianization of regionalized variables: Conditional simulation”. Natural Resources Research, Vol. 33, n°6, p. 2589-2607.
- F. Khorram, X. Emery, M. Maleki, G. País, 2024. “Non-monotonic transformation for Gaussianization of regionalized variables: Modeling aspects”. Natural Resources Research, Vol. 33, n°6, p. 2567-2588.
- Recabarren, J. I., Castillo, E, García, A, Cantallopts, J. “Product Differentiation in Mineral Commodities Based on Sustainability Indicators: The Case of Copper Mining”. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 476, 143786, 2024.
- Jiliberto, R, Ramos-Kiliberto, R, Castillo, E, Allendes, A, Orellana, L.F., Billi, M, Ramirez, M. “Modeling and Scenario Building for Climate Change Adaptation Planning: The case of large mining in Chile”. Environmental Development, vol. 476, 101089, 2024.
- M.H. Aghahadi, G. Jozanikohan, O. Asghari, S.T. Hosseini, X. Emery, M. Rezaei, 2024. “Geochemical anomaly separation based on geology, geostatistics, compositional data and local singularity analyses: A case study from the Kuh Panj copper deposit, Iran”. Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 173, article 106135.
- X. Emery, N. Mery, E. Porcu, 2024: “Vector-valued Gaussian processes on non-Euclidean product spaces: Constructive methods and fast simulations based on partial spectral inversion”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 38, p. 3411-3428.
- M. Bevilacqua, X. Emery, T. Faouzi, 2024: “Extending the generalized Wendland covariance model”. Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 18, n°2, p. 2771-2797.
- M. Maleki, N. Mery, S. Soltani-Mohammadi, X. Emery, 2024. “Mineral resources evaluation in narrow deposits: A case study on a layered bauxite deposit”. Natural Resources Research, Vol. 33, p. 1471-1490.
- X. Emery, J. Jäger, E. Porcu, 2024. “Positive semidefinite kernels that are axially symmetric on the sphere and stationary in time: Spectral and semi-spectral theory, and constructive approaches”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 38, n°6, p. 2315-2329.
- P.J. Dutta, X. Emery, 2024. “Classifying rock types by geostatistics and random forests in tandem”. Machine Learning: Science and Technology, Vol. 5, n°2, article 025013.
- A. Alegría, X. Emery, 2024. “Matrix-valued isotropic covariance functions with local extrema”. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 200, article 105250.
- X. Emery, E. Porcu, 2024. “Integral representations, extension theorems and walks through dimensions under radial exponential convexity”. Computational & Applied Mathematics, Vol. 43, n°1, article 28.