Revistas ISI: 2020

  • Castillo, E. y Eggert, R. “Reconciling Diverging Views on Mineral Depletion: A Modified Cumulative Availability Curve Applied to Copper Resources”. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 161 art. 104896, 2020. 
  • X. Emery, A. Alegría, 2020. “A spectral algorithm to simulate nonstationary random fields on spheres and multifractal star-shaped random sets”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 34, n°12, p. 2301-2311. 
  • D. Arroyo, X. Emery, 2020. “Iterative algorithms for non-conditional and conditional simulation of Gaussian random vectors”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 34, n°10, p. 1523-1541.
  • A. Hekmatnejad, B. Crespin, A. Opazo, X. Emery, N. Hitschfeld-Kahler, D. Elmo, 2020. “Investigating the impact of the estimation error of fracture intensity (P32) on the evaluation of in-situ rock fragmentation and potential of blocks forming around tunnels”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 106, article 103596.
  • D. Allard, X. Emery, C. Lacaux, C. Lantuéjoul, 2020. “Simulating space-time random fields with nonseparable Gneiting-type covariance functions”. Statistics and Computing, Vol. 30, n°5, p. 1479-1495.
  • I. Masoumi, G. Kamali, O. Asghari, X. Emery, 2020. “Assessing the impact of geologic contact dilution in ore/waste classification in Gol-Gohar iron ore mine, southeastern Iran”. Minerals, Vol. 10, n°4, article 336.   
  • A. Alegría, X. Emery, C. Lantuéjoul, 2020. "The turning arcs: a computationally efficient algorithm to simulate isotropic vector-valued Gaussian random fields on the d-sphere". Statistics and Computing, Vol. 30, n°5, p. 1403-1418.    
  • E. Porcu, V. Zastavnyi, M. Bevilacqua, X. Emery, 2020. “Stein hypothesis and screening effect for covariances with compact support”. Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 14, n°2, p. 2510-2528.
  • M. Maleki, E. Jélvez, X. Emery, N. Morales, 2020. “Stochastic open-pit mine production scheduling: a case study of an iron deposit”. Minerals, Vol. 10, n°7, article 585.
  • M. Maleki, X. Emery, 2020. "Geostatistics in the presence of geological boundaries: Exploratory tools for contact analysis". Ore Geology Reviews, Vol. 120, article 103397.
  • Avalos, S., Kracht, W., and Ortiz, J. M. (2020a). "An LSTM Approach for SAG Mill Operational Relative-Hardness Prediction". Minerals, 10:734.
  • Avalos, S., Kracht, W., and Ortiz, J. M. (2020b). "Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods in Mining Operations: a Data-Driven SAG Mill Energy Consumption Prediction Application". Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 37:1197–1212.
  • San Martín, F., Kracht, W., and Vargas, T. (2020a). "Attachment of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans to pyrite in fresh and saline water and its fitting to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms". Biotechnology Letters, pages 1–8.
  • Ortiz, J. M., Kracht, W., Pamparana, G., and Haas, J. (2020). "Optimization of a SAG mill energy system: integrating rock hardness, solar irradiation, climate change, and demand-side management". Mathematical Geosciences, 52:355–379.
  • Haas, J., Moreno-Leiva, S., Junne, T., Chen, P.-J., Pamparana, G., Nowak, W., Kracht, W., and Ortiz, J. M. (2020). "Copper mining: 100% solar electricity by 2030?" Applied Energy, 262:114506.
  • Moreno-Leiva, S., Haas, J., Junne, T., Valencia, F. A., Godin, H., Kracht, W., Nowak, W., and Eltrop, L. (2020). "Renewable energy in copper production: A review on systems design and methodological approaches". Journal of Cleaner Production, 246:118978.
  • San Martín, F., Kracht, W., Vargas, T., and Rudolph, M. (2020b). "Mechanisms of pyrite biodepression with Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans in seawater flotation". Minerals Engineer- ing, 145:106067.
  • Yarmuch, J. L., Brazil, M., Rubinstein, H., & Thomas, D. A. (2020). "Optimum ramp design in open pit mines". Computers and Operations Research, 115.
  • Contreras, S., Castillo, C., Olivera-Nappa, Á., Townley, B., & Ihle, C. F. "A new statistically-based methodology for variability assessment of rheological parameters in mineral processing". Minerals Engineering, 156:106494, 2020.
  • Ramos, J. J., Leiva, W. H., Castillo, C. N., Ihle, C. F., Fawell, P. D., & Jeldres, R. I. "Seawater flocculation of clay-based mining tailings: Impact of calcium and magnesium precipitation". Minerals Engineering, 154:106417, 2020. 
  • Ihle, C. F. "Economic pipe diameter of settling slurries". Journal of Cleaner Production, 264:121475, 2020. 
  • Mery, N., Marcotte, D. & Dutaut, R. (2020). "Constrained Kriging: An Alternative to Predict Global Recoverable Resources". Natural Resources Research, 29, 2275–2289. 
  • Petrovska S., Ilkiv B., Khyzhun O., Ohtsuka M., Voisin L. and Nakamura T., (2020). “XPS investigation of DC Sputtered Indium Saving Indium-Tin-Oxide (ITO)”, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2020 (Submitted, under review)
  • Voisin, L, Ohtsuka, M, Petrovska, S. (2020). "Multilayer indium saving ITO thin films produced by sputtering method", Journal of Alloys and Compounds.