Laboratorio de Geomecánica y Diseño Minero
- Laboratorio de Block Caving
- Laboratorio de Planificación Minera (Delphos)
- Laboratorio de Innovación para la Minería y Metalurgia (LIMM)
- Laboratorio de Geomecánica y Diseño Minero
- Lab. de Procesamiento de Minerales y Caracterización Mineralógica
- Laboratorio Avanzado de Geoestadística y Supercómputo (ALGES)
- Laboratorio de Reología y Fluidodinámica (LRF)
- Laboratorio de Pirometalurgia y Caracterización Avanzada Minero / Meta
Laboratorio de Geomecánica y Diseño Minero
Este laboratorio tiene como propósito principal el contribuir a la investigación y docencia en las áreas de geomecánica y diseño minero. Ubicado en dos sectores de la FCFM: (i) Desde el 2012 cuenta con un área de 60m2 en el segundo piso del Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC). (ii) El laboratorio experimental de ensayos en roca, el que se encuentra emplazado en el subterráneo del Edificio de Química con un área de 62 m2, lugar en que se dispone de equipos de vanguardia para pruebas de laboratorio en rocas.
Sus profesionales poseen expertiz en caracterización de roca intacta, estimación de propiedades de macizo rocoso, diseño y estabilidad de excavaciones subterráneas y en superficie, soporte de excavaciones, sismicidad inducida por minera y tronadura. Conocimiento complementado con tecnología y desarrollo de herramientas computacionales, lo que posiciona al laboratorio a nivel nacional e internacional.
Equipamiento y servicios
Contamos con computadores de alta capacidad de cálculo, utilizados para modelamiento numérico, desarrollo de algoritmos y análisis específicos de casos de estudio. Adicionalmente contamos con licencias de softwares especializados en el área: :Itasca (FLAC3D, 3DEC, PFC3D), Rocscience (RS3, RS2, Slide, DIPS, entre otros) y Simulia (ABAQUS).
Durante los últimos años, se han adquirido prensas servo-asistidas para ensayos de compresión con capacidad de 8000kN y 3000kN, rigidez de 10,9 MN/mm y 5,1 MN/mm, respectivamente. Equipos disponibles para ensayos en probetas de gran diámetro (hasta 50 cm en Ensayo Uniaxial y 25 cm en Ensayo Triaxial).
Ofrecemos múltiples soluciones a la industria minera para la caracterización de macizos rocosos mediante ensayos destructivos y no destructivos:
- Fotografía
- Peso Unitario
- Porosidad
- Humedad
- Densidad
- Corte Hoek
- Carga puntual
- Tracción indirecta
- Velocidad de propagación P y S
- Compresión Uniaxial
- Compresión Triaxial
- Deformación controlada (Post-Peak)
Miembros permanentes
- Prof. Javier Vallejos Massa
Teléfono: +562 29784449
Correo electrónico:
- Prof. Kimie Suzuki Morales
Teléfono: +562 29777459
Correo electrónico:
- Jorge Velásquez
Ingeniero de Proyecto
Correo electrónico:
- Antonio Barberán
Ingeniero de Proyecto
Correo electrónico: antonio.barberá
- David Veloz
Teléfono: +562 29771017
Correo electrónico:
- Flavia Polanco
Teléfono: +562 29771017
- Arturo García
Teléfono: +562 29771017
Académico responsable
- Prof. Javier Vallejos Massa
Teléfono: +562 29784449
Correo electrónico:
Propiedad intelectual (Software)
- Mineroc Stope Design and Performance:
- MineRoc ha sido desarrollado para dar soporte a la planificación y al diseño minero en minería sublevel stoping: Realiza Gráficos de estabilidad • Analiza condiciones de estabilidad y sobre excavación de caserones • Establece estándares para el diseño de caserones en base a las condiciones locales de la mina. • Realiza diseños más seguros y confiables. • Capaz de realizar visualización 3D de la mina gracias a su poderoso motor gráfico.
Convenios de colaboración
- Universidad de Concepción
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Universidad Federico Santa Maria
- Sernageomin
Partners de la Industria
- Geobrugg
- Lundin Mining
- Minera PuCobre
- Austral Gold
- Yamana Gold Chile
- Alamos Gold-Canadá
- Hot Chili Limited
Publicaciones en revistas
- Hekmatnejad, A., Crespin, B., Vallejos, J. A., Opazo, A., & Adoko, A. C. (2021). A hybrid predictive model of unstable rock blocks around a tunnel based on estimated volumetric fracture intensity and circular variance from borehole data sets. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 111, 103865.
- Vallejos, J.A. and Diaz, L. (2020). A new criterion for numerical modelling of hangingwall overbreak in open stopes. Accepted for publication. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
- Vallejos, J.A., Marambio, E., Burgos, L. and Gonzalez, C.V. (2020). Numerical modelling of the dynamic response of threadbar under laboratory-scale conditions. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 100, 103263.
- Adoko, A.C., Vallejos, J.A. and Trueman, R. (2020). Stability assessment of underground mine stopes subjected to stress relaxation. Mining Technology, 129(1), 30-39.
- Delonca, A. and Vallejos, J. A. (2020). Incorporating scale effect into a failure criterion for predicting stress-induced overbreak around excavations. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 127, 104213.
- Estay, R., Vallejos, J.A., Pavez, C. and Brönner, M. (2020). A comparison of characteristic parameters of mining related and tectonic seismic aftershock sequences. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 128, 104242.
- Vallejos, J.A. and Estay, R.A. (2018). Seismic Parameters of Mining-Induced Aftershock Sequences for Re-entry Protocol Development. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 175, 793-811.
- Hekmatnejad, A., Emery, X. and Vallejos, J.A. (2018). Robust estimation of the fracture diameter distribution from the true trace length distribution in the Poisson-disc discrete fracture network model. Computers and geotechnics, 95, 137-146.
- Vallejos, J.A., Delonca, A. and Perez, E. (2017). Three-dimensional effect of stresses in open stope mine design. International Journal of Mining Reclamation and Environment, 32, 355-374.
- Vallejos, J.A., Basaure, K., Palma, S. and Castro, R. (2017). Methodology for evaluation of mud rush risk in block caving mining. Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 117, 1-8.
- Vallejos, J.A., Salinas, J., Delonca, A. and Mas Ivars, D. (2017). Calibration and Verification of Two Bonded-Particle Models for Simulation of Intact Rock Behavior. International Journal of Geomechanics, 17, 4.
- Vallejos, J.A., Suzuki, K., Brzovic, A. and Mas Ivars, D. (2016). Application of Synthetic Rock Mass modeling to veined core-size samples. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 81, 47-61.
- Vallejos, J.A., Delonca, A., Fuenzalida, J. and Burgos, L. (2016). Statistical analysis of the stability number adjustment factors and implications for underground mine design. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 87, 104-112.
- Pastén, D., Estay, R., Comte, D. and Vallejos, J.A. (2015). Multifractal analysis in mining microseismicity and its application to seismic hazard in mine. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 78, 74-78.
- Vallejos, J.A. and McKinnon, S.D. (2013). Logistic regression and neural network classification of seismic records. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, 62, 86-95.
- Vallejos, J.A. and McKinnon, S.D. (2011). Correlations between Mining and Seismicity for Re-entry Protocol Development. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, 48, 4, 616-625.
- Cho, N.F., Tiampo, K.F., McKinnon, S.D., Vallejos, J.A., Klein, W. and Dominguez, R. (2010). A Simple Metric to Quantify Seismicity Clustering. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 17, 293-302.
- Vallejos, J.A. and McKinnon, S.D. (2010). Omori’s Law Applied to Mining Induced Seismicity and Re-entry Protocol Development. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 167, 91-106.
Publicaciones en congresos
- Miranda, R., Vallejos, J.A., Marambio, E., Burgos L., Sanhueza G. (2020). Stability Analysis of Open Stope Mining using Support Vector Machines. Automining 2020. 7o Congreso Internacional de Automatización en Minería. Online Event.
- Brändle, R., Luis Fonseca, R., von Rickenbach, G, Fischer, G., Vallejos, J.A., Marambio, E., Burgos, L., Rojas, E, Landeros, P., Muñoz, A., Celis, S., Castro, D. (2020). MassMin 2020- Eighth International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining. Virtual Conference.
- Marambio, E., Vallejos, J.A., Burgos L., Von Rickenbach, G., Fischer, G., Branble, R. (2020). Numerical modelling of dynamic testing for surface retaining elements used in underground mining. MassMin 2020- Eighth International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining. Virtual Conference.
- Zuñiga, C., Vallejos, J.A., Suzuki, K., Orellana, LF., Arzúa, J. (2020). Scale effect on the post-peak behavior in uniaxial compression in dacite samples. MassMin 2020- Eighth International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining. Virtual Conference.
- Vallejos, J.A., Miranda, R., Marambio, E., Burgos L., Sanhueza G. (2020). Assisted geotechnical design for sublevel open stoping using MineRoc® software. Conference on Underground Mining Technology. Online Event.
- Vallejos, J.A., Marambio, E., Marulanda, Y. and Burgos L. (2019). Progress in the numerical modelling of dynamic testing for reinforcement and retaining elements used in underground excavations Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Ground Support in Mining and Underground Construction,
- Australian Centre for Geomechanics. Sudbury, Canada.
- Arriagada, C., Miranda, R., Azorin, J., Vallejos J.A. and Diaz, L. (2019). Desafíos en minería por Sublevel Stoping a 38 años del método gráfico de estabilidad de Mathews SIMIN 2019 - XXI Simposium de Ingeniería en Minas. Santiago, Chile.
- Azorin, J., Vallejos J.A., Miranda, R., Mondaca, M., Garrido, C. and Catalan, O. (2019). Use of B Factor from Major Geological Faults’ Orientation on Mathews’ Stability Graph Method. A Case Study. 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. Nueva York, USA.
- Cabezas, R. and Vallejos, J.A. (2019). Analysis of the mobilization of strength parameters in brittle intact rock 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. Nueva York, USA.
- Gonzalez, F. and Vallejos, J.A. (2019). Evaluation of the seismic response of the rock mass using a model of seismic aftershocks of the epidemic type 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. Nueva York, USA.
- Marulanda, Y. and Vallejos, J.A. (2019). Modeling the response of reinforcement elements during dynamic loading 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. Nueva York, USA.
- Azorin, J., Vallejos, J.A., Miranda, R. and Arriagada, C. (2018). Stability Graph Comparison Between Mathews’ Method and A New Method Using B Factor from Major Geological Faults’ Orientation 3er simposio sudamericano de excavaciones en roca. Santiago, Chile.
- Díaz, L., Vallejos, J.A. and Castro, C. (2018). Estudio de métodos de estimación de sobre-excavación para caserones abiertos. Umining 2018-II Congreso Iberoamericano en Minería Subterránea y a Cielo Abierto. Santiago, Chile.
- Cabezas, R. and Vallejos, J.A. (2018). Comportamiento frágil de túneles en roca dura ante altos esfuerzos. Aplicación a Andesita. Umining 2018-II Congreso Iberoamericano en Minería Subterránea y a Cielo Abierto. Santiago, Chile.
- Miranda, R., Vallejos, J.A, Azorin, J., Chavez, D., Mondaca, M., Garrido, C. and Catalan, O. (2018). Desarrollo de Curvas de Estabilidad Local en Minería de Sublevel Stoping. Umining 2018-II Congreso Iberoamericano en Minería Subterránea y a Cielo Abierto. Santiago, Chile.
- Móvil, M. and Vallejos, J.A. (2018). Evaluación del impacto de fallas en la estabilidad de caserones. Umining 2018-II Congreso Iberoamericano en Minería Subterránea y a Cielo Abierto. Santiago, Chile.
- Marambio, E., Vallejos, J.A., Burgos, L., Castro, L., Saure, J. and Urzúa, J. (2018). Modelamiento numérico de ensayo dinámico de refuerzo para excavaciones subterráneas. Umining 2018-II Congreso Iberoamericano en Minería Subterránea y a Cielo Abierto. Santiago, Chile.
- Vallejos, J.A., Suzuki, K., Zepeda, R. and Marulanda, Y. (2018). Modelamiento numérico del comportamiento de elementos de refuerzo durante eventos dinámicos. Umining 2018-II Congreso Iberoamericano en Minería Subterránea y a Cielo Abierto. Santiago, Chile.
- Pollak D., and Vallejos, J.A. (2018). Consideraciones para ensayos de compresión uniaxial con medición de comportamiento post-peak y resultados preliminares. Umining 2018-II Congreso Iberoamericano en Minería Subterránea y a Cielo Abierto. Santiago, Chile.
- Miranda, R., Vallejos, J.A., Azorin, J., Chavez, D., Mondaca, M., Garrido, C. and Catalan, O. (2018). Improving stopes stability limits using MineRoc Software. EUROCK 2018 - the ISRM European Rock Mechanics Symposium. Published at Geomechanics and Geodynamics of Rock Masses.
- Marambio, E., Vallejos, J.A., Burgos, L., Gonzalez, C., Castro, L., Saure, J.P. and Urzúa, J. (2018). Numerical modelling of dynamic testing for rock reinforcement used in underground excavations. Caving 2018 – Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving
- Pollak, D., Vallejos, J.A. and Burgos, L. (2018). Resultados preliminares de ensayos de compresión en probetas de roca con medición de comportamiento post-peak. VII Brazilian Symposium on Rock Mechanics – SBMR 2018 Rock Engineering on Urban Development.
- Cabezas, R. and Vallejos, J.A. (2018). Brittle behavior and brittleness indicators around hard rock mass excavations. ARMA 2018- 52nd US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium
- Azorin, J., Vallejos, J.A., Arriagada, C., Catalan. O., Garrido, C., Mondaca, M. and Escares, P. (2018). Stability graph comparison between Mathews’ method and a new method using B factor from major geological faults orientation. SASORE 2018-3er Simposio Sudamericano de Excavaciones en Roca.
- Vallejos, J.A., Miranda, R. and Azorin, J. (2017). Geotechnical Guidelines for Mine Planning in Sublevel Stoping Method. GeoMin-MinePlanning.
- Hekmatnejad, A., Emery, X., Brzovic, A., Schachter P. and Vallejos, J.A. (2017). Modeling the Uncertainty in the Intensity of Geological Discontinuities in El Teniente Mine, Chile. GeoMin-MinePlanning.
- Estay, R. and Vallejos, J.A. (2017). Space or Space – time clustering? A selection criterion methodology using mining induced seismicity data. RaSiM9. Ninth International Symposium on Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines.
- Pasten, D. and Vallejos, J.A. (2017). Complex networks applied to induced seismicity: universalities. RaSiM9. Ninth International Symposium on Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines.
- Ortega, V., Cornejo J. and Vallejos, J.A. (2017). Analysis of seismicity induced by undercutting and draw bell blasting at Reservas Norte, El Teniente Mine. RaSiM9. Ninth International Symposium on Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines.
- Vallejos, J.A., Miranda, R., Burgos L. and Perez, E. (2017). Development of new design tools for open stoping underground mines. American Rock Mechanics Association ARMA 2017.
- Brzovic, A., Vallejos, J.A., Arancibia, E., Burgos, L., Delonca, A., Gaete, M. and Barrera, V. (2016). Analysis and modeling of the fragmentation process: Case studies at El Teniente Mine, Codelco- Chile. Seventh International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining-MassMin.
- González, R., Munoz, R., Vallejos, J.A. and Delonca, A. (2016). Characterization and monitoring the stability state of production pillars. El Teniente, Codelco, Chile. Seventh International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining-MassMin.
- Vallejos, J.A., Martinez C. and Brzovic, A. (2016). A methodology for the study of drawbell hang-up phenomena using three-dimensional discrete element. 4th Itasca Symposium on Applied Numerical Modeling.
- Cabezas, R. and Vallejos, J.A (2016). Progressive damaging in hard rock on underground excavations and numerical modelling with CWFS approach. First International Conference on Underground Mining.
- Burgos, L. and Vallejos, J.A. (2016). Application of Shear Strength Reduction technique for stability analysis of ground support. First International Conference on Underground Mining.
- Iglesias, P. and Vallejos, J.A. (2016). Estudio de métodos de estimación de subsidencia y su aplicación a casos históricos. First International Conference on Underground Mining.
- Perez, E., Vallejos, J.A. and Miranda, R. (2016). Adapting the stability graph method to specific site conditions in Mineroc®. First International Conference on Underground Mining.
- Morales, N., Vallejos, J.A. and Gómez, A. (2015). Mine Planning, Mathematical Optimization, Schedule, Selective Underground Methods. 37th International symposium on the application of computers and operations research in the mineral industry (APCOM 2015).
- Marcos, F., Vallejos, J.A., Castro, R. and Hekmat, A. (2015) A dilution model for narrow vein mine design–A Case Study. International Seminar on Design Methods in Underground Mining, Peth- Australia, 17-19 November 2015.
- Vallejos, J.A., Miranda, O., Gary. C. and Delonca, A. (2015). Development of an integrated platform for the stability analysis and design in sublevel stoping mines – MineRoc. International Seminar on Design Methods in Underground Mining, Peth- Australia, 17-19 November 2015.
- Lobiano, C., Vallejos, J.A. and Morales, N. (2015). Integración del Peligro Sísmico en Planificación Minera de Panel Cavin. OPTIMA 2015- Instituto Chileno de Investigación Operativa (ICHIO).
- Vallejos, J.A., Suzuki, K., Brzovic, A. and Mas Ivars, D. (2015) Characterization and synthetic simulations to determine rock mass behaviour at the El Teniente mine, Chile. 37th International Congress of Rock Mechanics- ISRM, Québec-Canada.
- Cornejo, J., Vallejos, J.A, Emery, X. and Rojas, E. (2014). Seismic hazard analysis at the El Teniente mine using a clustering approach. In: R. Castro (ed.), Caving 2014, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, p. 575-585.
- Brzovic, A., Schachter, P., de los Santos, C., Vallejos, J.A. and Mas Ivars, D. (2014). Characterization and Synthetic Simulations to Determine Rock Mass Behaviour at the El Teniente Mine, Chile. Part I. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Santiago, Chile.
- Vallejos, J.A., Suzuki, K., Brzovic, A. and Mas Ivars, D. (2014). Characterization and Synthetic Simulations to Determine Rock Mass Behaviour at the El Teniente Mine, Chile. Part II. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Santiago, Chile.
- Valencia, M.E., Basaure, K., Castro, R. and Vallejos, J.A (2014). Towards an understanding of mud rush behaviour in block-panel caving mines. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Santiago, Chile.
- Sánchez Juncal, A., Mas Ivars, D., Brzovic, A. and Vallejos, J.A. (2014). Simulating the effect of preconditioning in primary fragmentation. ISRM European Rock Mechanics Symposium. Eurock Vigo, España.
- Vallejos, J.A., Brzovic, A., Lopez, C., Bouzeran, L. and Mas Ivars, D. (2013). Application of the Synthetic Rock Mass approach to characterize rock mass behavior at the El Teniente Mine, Chile. Continuum and Distinct Element Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics: Proceedings of the 3rd International FLAC / DEM Symposium, Hangzhou, China, paper: 07-02.
- Vallejos, J.A., Estay, R., Zepeda, R. and Jorquera, P. (2012). A methodology for evaluating the performance of seismic indicators at El Teniente Mine, Codelco Chile. 6th International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining.
- Vallejos, J.A. and McKinnon, S.D. (2010). Temporal Evolution of Aftershock Sequences for Re-entry Protocol Development in Seismically Active Mines. The 5th International Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining. October 6-8, 2010, Santiago, Chile.
- Cho, N., Tiampo, K.F., McKinnon, S.D., Vallejos, J.A. and Klein, W. (2009). Evaluation of earthquake clustering using the TM metric. American Geophysical Union. Joint Assembly. The Meeting of the Americas, May 24-27, 2009, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Vallejos, J.A. and Mcinnon, S.D. (2009). Re-entry Protocols for Seismically Active Mines using Statistical Analysis of Aftershock Sequences. Proceedings of the 3rd Canada-US Rock Mechanics Symposium, May 9-15, Toronto ON, Canada. Paper No. 028.
- Vallejos, J.A. and McKinnon, S.D. (2009). Scaling Laws and Their Implications for Re-entry Protocol Development. The 7th International Symposium on Rockburst and Seismicity in Mines, August 21-23, Dalian, China. Paper No.: CA1137.
- Cho, N., Tiempo, K.F., McKinnon, S.D. and Vallejos, J.A. (2008). Ergodicity in mining induced seismicity. Eastern Section of the Seismological Society of America. Meeting, poster es08poster-M.
- Vallejos, J.A. and McKinnon, S.D (2008). Guidelines for Development of Re-entry Protocols in Seismically Active Mines. American Geophysical Union Meeting, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Vallejos, J.A. and McKinnon, S.D. (2008). Omori s law applied to mining-induced and natural aftershock sequences. American Geophysical Union. Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Seismological Society of America, October 5-7, 2008, Kingston, ON, Canada, es08abs-042.
- McKinnon, S.D and Vallejos, J.A. (2007). Development of re-entry protocols in seismically active mines. Mining Health and Safety Conference Proceedings, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
- Vallejos, J.A. and McKinnon, S.D. (2006). Guidelines for the development of re-entry protocols in seismically active mines. Part I and II. WSIB and MASHA sponsored Industry Workshop on Re-entry Protocols after a Rockburst, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
- Vallejos, J.A. and Verdugo, R. (2005). Modified Hypoplastic Law Applied to the Monotonic Behaviour of Granular Materials. Part I and II. N° A07-08. IX Chilean Journals of Seismology and Anti Seismic Engineering, Concepción, Chile.