Laboratorio Avanzado de Geoestadística y Supercómputo (ALGES)


Este laboratorio posee 64 m2 destinados a docencia e investigación. Cuenta con diez profesionales de jornada completa.El objetivo del laboratorio ALGES es desarrollar herramientas y modelos para la caracterización de fenómenos geológicos, geometalúrgicos y de geociencias en general, mediante el uso de herramientas geoestadísticas, de ciencias de datos, de análisis de imágenes y de supercómputo.

Equipamiento e instrumentos

Área de súper cómputo

  • Servidor remoto Dell PowerEdge T630 (Xeon HexaCore – 40 cores / 256GB RAM) con una GPU NVIDIA (Tesla P100), dedicado a computación de alto rendimiento y supercómputo con tarjetas gráficas
  • Equipo Dell Precision T7600 (Xeon QuadCore / 16GB RAM) con dos GPU NVIDIA (GeForce GTX 1080 y Tesla K40c), dedicado al desarrollo de algoritmos paralelos de alto rendimiento en tarjetas gráficas
  • Equipo Dell Precision T7910 (Xeon QuadCore / 128GB RAM) con dos GPU NVIDIA (Quadro M4000 y Tesla K40c), dedicado a computación de alto rendimiento multi-core y tarjetas gráficas
  • Lentes de realidad mixta Microsoft(tm) Hololens

Área de análisis híper espectral e imágenes

  • Cámara Marca SPECIM VNIR sCMOS-50-V10E SpeCam
  • Cámara Marca SPECIM SWIR 3.0 MCT SpecCam
  • Sistema de movimiento de muestras minerales para adquisición híper espectral
  • Rotary Scan; montaje giratorio motorizado para cámaras híper espectrales con odometría
  • Dell Precision 7910; Dual Intel Xeon Processor E5-2620 v4 3.0GHz; 64GB - 2400MHz DDR4 o Dell Precision T1600 - Xeon Processor E3-1200 - 16 GB RAM 
  • NAS WD My Cloud Pro EX4100 6TB

Miembros permanentes

  • Prof. Xavier Emery

Teléfonos: +562 29784498

Correo electrónico:

  • Alvaro Egaña V.

Teléfonos: +562 29780724

Correo electrónico:

  • Fabián Soto F.

Teléfonos: +562 29784585

Correo electrónico:

  • Felipe Navarro V.

Teléfonos: +562 29784987

Correo electrónico:

  • Felipe Garrido R.

Teléfonos: +562 29784987

Correo electrónico:

  • Christian Vidal C.

Teléfonos: +562 29784987 

Correo electrónico:

  • Marcia Ojeda C.

Teléfonos: +562 29784987

Correo electrónico:

  • Gonzalo Díaz R.

Teléfonos: +562 29784987

Correo electrónico:

  • Alejandro Ehrenfeld G.

Teléfonos: +562 29771000

Correo electrónico:

  • Francisco Carter A.

Teléfonos: +562 29784987 

Correo electrónico: o

  • Felipe Santibañez-Leal 

Teléfonos: +562 29771000

Correo electrónico: 

Académico responsable

  • Prof. Xavier Emery

Teléfonos: +562 29784498

Correo electrónico: 

  • Director Ejecutivo

Alvaro Egaña V.

Teléfonos: +562 29780724

Correo electrónico:

  • Contacto Laboratorio

Correo electrónico: 

Proyectos con la industria

  • NEXA: Gold prediction through Machine Learning & Geostatistics. Investigador Responsable: Fabián Soto. Investigadores participantes: Alvaro Egaña, Felipe Navarro, Gonzalo Díaz, Felipe Garrido, Marcia Ojeda, Francisco Carter. Periodo de ejecución: 2021.
  • Fundación Copec-UC: Herramientas de análisis de variabilidad espacial mediante machine learning para Exploración Minera. Investigador Responsable: Felipe Navarro. Investigadores participantes: Alvaro Egaña, Alejandro Ehrenfeld, Felipe Garrido, Francisco Carter. Periodo de ejecución: 2021-2022.
  • BHP: Simplicit: Simulación geológica implícita usando cómputo de alto rendimiento. Investigador Responsable: Felipe Navarro. Investigadores participantes: Francisco Carter, Felipe Garrido. Periodo de ejecución: 2019-2020.
  • CODELCO-NEC: Analítica Avanzada para el Sistema de Chancado Secundario y Terciario de División El Teniente - Gerencia de Desarrollo e Innovación. Investigador Responsable: Gonzalo Díaz. Investigadores participantes: Felipe Navarro, Alejandro Ehrenfeld, Fabián Soto, Christian Vidal, Álvaro Egaña. Período de ejecución: 2019.
  • CODELCO: Desarrollo de Algoritmos de Exploración Brownfield para División Gabriela Mistral Gerencia de Exploraciones CODELCO Casa Central. Investigador Responsable: Alejandro Ehrenfeld. Investigadores participantes: Marcia Ojeda, Fabián Soto, Gonzalo Díaz, Felipe Garrido, Felipe Santibañez, Álvaro Egaña. Período de ejecución: 2019.
  • CODELCO: Desarrollo de Algoritmos de Exploración Brownfield para División El Teniente Gerencia de Exploraciones CODELCO Casa Central. Investigador Responsable: Alejandro Ehrenfeld. Investigadores participantes: Álvaro Egaña, Felipe Navarro, Gonzalo Díaz, Francisco Carter, Felipe Garrido. Período de ejecución: 2019.
  • BHP: Aceleración de algoritmos de estimación y simulación geoestadística usando técnicas y dispositivos de supercómputo. Investigador Responsable [Daniel Baeza]. Investigadores participantes: Felipe Navarro, Francisco Carter. Período de ejecución: 2017-2018.
  • Barrick Gold: Diseño y desarrollo de software de ayuda a las etapas temprana, media y avanzada del proceso de exploración minera, basado en algoritmos de Machine Learning y soportado por múltiples datos de caracterización geológica y espectral, Vicepresidencia Regional de Exploraciones. Área de Innovación. Investigador Responsable: Alvaro Egaña. Investigadores participantes: Felipe Navarro, Alejandro Ehrenfeld, Gonzalo Díaz. Período de ejecución: 2017.
  • BHP: Modelamiento y estudio de contenido de arcillas en base a datos híper espectrales. Consultoría especializada. Minera Spence, Gerencia de Geología. Investigador Responsable : Alvaro Egaña. Investigadores participantes: Alejandro Ehrenfeld, Felipe Navarro, Sergio Liberman. Período de ejecución: 2016
  • Yamana Gold: UFO 2.0 Software de aplanamiento en presencia de geometrías complejas. Investigador responsable: Felipe Navarro. Investigadores participantes: Daniel Baeza, Carlos González. Periodo de ejecución: 2015-2016.
  • Codelco - El Teniente 4501634485: “Modelamiento geoestadístico del parámetro de intensidad de estructuras por unidad de volumen”. Investigador Responsable: Xavier Emery. Periodo: 2016.
  • Codelco - El Teniente 4501506079: “Medición de intensidad de fracturación”. Investigador Responsable: Xavier Emery. Periodo: 2015.
  • VALE S/N: “Geostatistical cosimulation of grades and rock types for iron resource evaluation”. Investigador Responsable: Xavier Emery. Periodo: 2013-2015.
  • Yamana Gold: UFO 1.0 Software de aplanamiento en presencia de geometrías complejas. Investigador responsable: Julián M. Ortiz. Investigadores participantes: Alvaro Egaña, Fabián Soto, Felipe Garrido, Gonzalo Díaz. Periodo de ejecución: 2011-2014.
  • Antofagasta Minerals: “Modelamiento bivariable de cobre total y cobre soluble”. Investigador Responsable: Julián Ortiz. Investigadores participantes: Fabián Soto, Álvaro Egaña. Periodo: 2010-2011.

Proyectos con Fondef

  • Fondef ID19I10155: "Cuantificación de incertidumbre geológica para mejorar la toma de decisiones en las operaciones mineras". Director: Fabián Soto, Director alterno: Álvaro Egaña. Investigadores participantes: Gonzalo Díaz, Marcia Ojeda. Periodo: 2020-2021. 
  • Fondef ID16I10186: "Evaluación de Recursos Geológicos en Geometrías Complejas". Directora: Nancy Hitschfeld, Director alterno: Felipe Navarro. Investigadores participantes: Alvaro Egaña, Fabián Soto, Francisco Carter, Marcia Ojeda. Periodo: 2017-2018.
  • Fondef IT16M10021: "Caracterización y Modelamientos geo Minero Metalúrgicos Predictivos: Camino a la Minería del Futuro". Director: Brian Townley. Investigadores participantes: Felipe Navarro, Fabián Soto. Periodo: 2017-2018.
  • Fondef IDeA de Ciencia Aplicada. Código: CA13I10305. Título: Detección y caracterización de variables geo metalúrgicas a partir de imágenes híper espectrales. Director: Martin Adams. Investigadores Participantes: Alvaro Egaña, Alejandro Ehrenfeld. Período de ejecución: 2014-2015.
  • Fondef IDeA de Investigación Tecnológica. Código: IT15I10070. Título: Sistema de detección y clasificación mineralógica rápida basado en análisis híper espectral. Director: Martin Adams. Investigadores participantes: Alvaro Egaña, Alejandro Ehrenfeld, Felipe Santibañez, Fabian Soto. Período de ejecución: 2016-2017.

Proyectos Corfo

  • INNOVA-CORFO Contrato Tecnológico. Código: 17COTE-72563. Título: Modelamiento quimiométrico robusto antes cambios de perfil granulométrico y luz ambiente, en base a información híper espectral tomada en material chancado. Investigador responsable: Alvaro Egaña. Investigadores participantes: Alejandro Ehrenfeld, Felipe Santibañez, Christián Vidal, Fabián Soto. Período de ejecución: 2017-2019. 
  • CORFO Programa de relaves. Código: 16PTECME-66524. Título: Modelamiento de procesos de acumulación y enriquecimiento de elementos valiosos en tranques de relaves. Director: Brian Townley, Investigadores participantes: Felipe Navarro, Fabián Soto. Período de ejecución: 2018-2020.
  • CORFO Programa de relaves. Código: 16PTECME-66524. Título: Caracterización y cuantificación mineralógica y química de tranques de relaves. Director: Brian Townley, Investigadores participantes : Felipe Navarro, Fabián Soto. Período de ejecución: 2018-2020
  • INNOVA-CORFO Validación y empaquetamiento. Código: 15VEIID-45639. Título: Software de evaluación multivariable de recursos geológicos en geometrías complejas. Director: Fabián Soto, Director alterno: Álvaro Egaña. Investigadores participantes: Gonzalo Díaz, Christian Vidal, Felipe Navarro. Período de ejecución: 2016-2018.
  • INNOVA-CORFO Innovación en Productos y Procesos Basados en I+D (Prototipo). Código: 15IPPID-45679. Título: Plataforma de Visualización 3D para la Toma de Decisiones Operacionales y Estratégicas en Minería. Investigadores participantes: Felipe Navarro. Período de ejecución: 2015-2016.
  • INNOVA-CORFO; CODELCO. Título: Modelamiento Multivariable para Evaluación de Yacimientos. Investigador responsable: Julián Ortiz. Investigadores participantes: Eduardo Magri, Xavier Emery. Periodo: 2009-2012.

Proyectos Fondecyt

  • Fondecyt 1210050: "Geostatistical modeling of geological, geotechnical and geometallurgical properties and its applications to ore body evaluation", Investigador responsable: Xavier Emery. Periodo: 2021-2025.
  • Fondecyt 1170101: "Geostatistics applied to geometallurgy and geomechanics". Investigador Responsable: Xavier Emery. Periodo: 2017-2021.
  • Fondecyt 1170290: "Random fields evolving temporally over spheres: Modeling, estimation, asymptotically optimal prediction, and their simulation". Coinvestigador: Xavier Emery. Periodo: 2017-2021.
  • Fondecyt 1171032: "Characterizing patterns of spatio-temporal variability in snow properties through field and remotely sensed observations". Coinvestigador: Xavier Emery. Periodo: 2017-2020.
  • Fondecyt 1130085: "Geostatistical modeling of ore bodies with heterogeneous spatial variations" Investigador Responsable: Xavier Emery. Periodo: 2013-2017.
  • Fondecyt 1090013: Multivariate Geostatistics and its Application to the Characterization of Mineral Resources. Investigador Responsable: Xavier Emery. Coinvestigador: Julián Ortiz. Periodo: 2009-2013.
  • Fondecyt 1090056: Multiple Point Geostatistics for the Evaluation of Uncertainty in Geological Attributes and Grades. Investigador Responsable: Julián Ortiz. Periodo: 2009-2012.
  • Fondecyt 1061103: Cuantificación de la Incertidumbre en Atributos Geológicos, Mineros y Metalúrgicos: Nuevos Modelos Geoestadísticos y Aspectos de Implementación. Investigador Responsable: Xavier Emery. Coinvestigador: Julián Ortiz. Periodo: 2006-2009.
  • Fondecyt 1061260: Evaluación de Yacimientos mediante Simulación Estocástica integrando Estadísticas de Múltiples Puntos. Investigador Responsable: Julián Ortiz. Coinvestigador: Xavier Emery. Periodo: 2006-2008.

Otros Proyectos

  • Anillos de Investigación en Ciencia y Tecnología ACT1407: “Optimización a gran escala e incertidumbre: desafíos en planificación minera estratégica, un enfoque interdisciplinario”. Investigador principal: Xavier Emery. Investigadores participantes: []. Periodo: 2016-2018.
  • AMTC: “Drillhole logging with mixed reality”. Investigador responsable: Felipe Navarro. Investigadores participantes: Felipe Garrido, Gonzalo Díaz. Período de ejecución: 2018-2019.
  • COPEC-UC 2014.J.057: “Modelamiento de incertidumbre en la extensión de unidades geológicas para evaluación de recursos minerales”. Investigador Responsable: Xavier Emery. Investigadores participantes []. Periodo: 2013-2017.

Propiedad intelectual (Software)

  • U-Fo 2.0: Nro. de inscripción 286268
  • ANDES: Nro. de inscripción 288805
  • GENOMET: Nro. de inscripción 3375
  • HyperPro: Nro de inscripción 3378
  • HyperAq: Nro de inscripción 3377

Convenios de colaboración

  • Convenio de colaboración con CIREN - Centro de Información de Recursos Naturales: instituto tecnológico y servicio de apoyo del Ministerio de Agricultura, que proporciona información de valor de los recursos naturales renovables de Chile. ALGES y CIREN desarrollan modelos de estimación espacio-temporal para variables ambientales.
  • Convenio de colaboración con la Universidad de Talca, Departamento de Ingeniería de Minas

Colaboración con académicos e investigadores externos

  • Brian Townley: Académico del Departamento de Geología - Universidad de Chile
  • Nancy Hitschfeld: Académica del Departamento de Cs. de la Computación - Universidad de Chile
  • Jorge Silva: Académico del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica - Universidad de Chile
  • Willy Kracht: Académico del Departamento de Ingeniería de Minas - Universidad de Chile
  • Martin Adams: Académico del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica - Universidad de Chile
  • Marcos Orchard: Académico del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica - Universidad de Chile
  • Mohammad Maleki: Académico de la Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Geológicas - Universidad Católica del Norte.

Partners de la Industria

  • Innovaxxion
  • Outlier
  • Meridian

Publicaciones en revistas

  • J.A. Guartán, X. Emery, 2021. “Regionalized classification of geochemical data with filtering of measurement noises for predictive lithological mapping”. Natural Resources Research, 30(2), 1033-1052.
  • R. Wilson, N. Toro, O. Naranjo, X. Emery, A. Navarra, 2021. “Integration of geostatistical modeling into discrete event simulation for development of tailings dam retreatment applications”. Minerals Engineering, 164, 106814
  • S. Paravarzar, H. Askari-Nasab, Y. Pourrahimian, X. Emery, 2021. “Simultaneous multi-sector block cave mine production scheduling considering operational uncertainties”. Transactions of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining, A: Mining Technology, 130(1), 36-51.
  • S. Paravarzar, H. Askari-Nasab, Y. Pourrahimian, X. Emery, 2021. “Operational mine planning in block cave mining: a simulation-optimization approach”. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 35(3), 199-218.
  • M. Pinheiro, X. Emery, T. Miranda, L. Lamas, M. Espada, 2021. “Using geotechnical scenarios for underground structure analysis: a case study in a hydroelectric complex in northern Portugal”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 111, article 103855.
  • A. Alegría, X. Emery, E. Porcu, 2021. “Bivariate Matérn covariances with cross-dimple for modeling coregionalized variables”. Spatial Statistics, 41, 100491.
  • D. Arroyo, X. Emery, 2021, “Algorithm 1013: An R implementation of a continuous spectral algorithm for simulating vector Gaussian random fields in Euclidean spaces”. Transactions on Mathematical software, 47(1), article 8, 1-25.
  • A. Adeli, X. Emery, 2021. “Geostatistical simulation of rock physical and geochemical properties with spatial filtering and its application to predictive geological mapping”. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 220, 106661.
  • D. Arroyo, X. Emery, 2020, “Iterative algorithms for non-conditional and conditional simulation of Gaussian random vectors”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 34(10), 1523-1541.
  • A. Hekmatnejad, B. Crespin, A. Opazo, X. Emery, N. Hitschfeld-Kahler, D. Elmo, 2020. “Investigating the impact of the estimation error of fracture intensity (P32) on the evaluation of in-situ rock fragmentation and potential of blocks forming around tunnels”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 106, 103596.
  • X. Emery, A. Alegría, 2020. “A spectral algorithm to simulate nonstationary random fields on spheres and multifractal star-shaped random sets”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 34(12), 2301-2311.
  • M. Maleki, E. Jélvez, X. Emery, N. Morales, 2020. “Stochastic open-pit mine production scheduling: a case study of an iron deposit”. Minerals, 10(7), 585.
  • E. Porcu, V. Zastavnyi, M. Bevilacqua, X. Emery, 2020. “Stein hypothesis and screening effect for covariances with compact support”. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 14(2), 2510-2528.
  • A. Parviainen, F. Soto, M. Caraballo, 2020. “Revalorization of Haveri Au-Cu mine tailings (SW Finland) for potential reprocessing”. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 218, 106614.
  • D. Allard, X. Emery, C. Lacaux, C. Lantuéjoul, 2020. “Simulating space-time random fields with nonseparable Gneiting-type covariance functions”. Statistics and Computing, 30(5), 1479-1495.
  • M. Maleki, X. Emery, 2020. “Geostatistics in the presence of geological boundaries: Exploratory tools for contact analysis”. Ore Geology Reviews, 120, 103397. 
  • G. F. Diaz, J. M. Ortiz, J. F. Silva, R. A. Lobos, A. F. Egana, 2020. “Variogram-Based Descriptors for Comparison and Classification of Rock Texture Images”. Mathematical Geosciences, 52(4), 451-476.
  • I. Masoumi, G. Kamali, O. Asghari X. Emery, 2020. “Assessing the Impact of Geologic Contact Dilution in Ore/Waste Classification in the Gol-Gohar Iron Ore Mine, Southeastern Iran”. Minerals, 10(4), 336.
  • D. Allard, X. Emery, C. Lacaux, C. Lantuéjoul, 2020. “Simulating space-time random fields with nonseparable Gneiting-type covariance functions”. Statistics and Computing, 30(5), 1479-1495.
  • F. A. Santibanez-Leal, J. M. Ortiz, J. F. Silva, 2020. “Ore-Waste Discrimination with Adaptive Sampling Strategy”. Natural Resources Research, 1-24.
  • L. K. Sánchez, X. Emery, S. A. Séguret, 2019. “5D geostatistics for directional variables: Application in geotechnics to the simulation of the linear discontinuity frequency”. Computers & Geosciences, 133, 104325. o X. Emery, E. Porcu, P. G. Bissiri, 2019. “A semiparametric class of axially symmetric random fields on the sphere”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33(10), 1863-1874.
  • M. Garrido, J. M. Ortiz, F. Villaseca, W. Kracht, B. Townley,R. Miranda (2019). “Change of support using non-additive variables with Gibbs Sampler: Application to metallurgical recovery of sulphide ores”. Computers & Geosciences, 122, 68-76.
  • X. Emery, E. Porcu, 2019. “Simulating isotropic vector-valued Gaussian random fields on the sphere through finite harmonics approximations”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33(8-9), 1659-1667.
  • H. Calderon, F. Santibañez, J. F. Silva, J. M. Ortiz, A. Egaña, 2019. “Geological Facies Recovery Based on Weighted ℓ 1-Regularization”. Mathematical Geosciences, 1-25. o F. Santibañez, J. F. Silva, J. M. Ortiz, 2019. “Sampling strategies for uncertainty reduction in categorical random fields: Formulation, mathematical analysis and application to multiple-point simulations”. Mathematical Geosciences, 51(5), 579-624.
  • N. Madani, M. Maleki, X. Emery, 2019. “Nonparametric geostatistical simulation of subsurface facies: tools for validating the reproduction of, and uncertainty in, facies geometry”. Natural Resources Research, 28(3), 1163-1182.
  • X. Emery, M. Maleki, 2019. “Geostatistics in the presence of geological boundaries: Application to mineral resources modeling”. Ore Geology Reviews, 114, 103124. o A. Hekmatnejad, X. Emery, M. Alipour-Shahsavari, 2019. “Comparing linear and non-linear kriging for grade prediction and ore/waste classification in mineral deposits”. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 33(4), 247-264.
  • A. Hekmatnejad, X. Emery, D. Elmo, 2019. “A geostatistical approach to estimating the parameters of a 3D Cox-Boolean discrete fracture network from 1D and 2D sampling observations”. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 113, 183-190.
  • X. Emery, R. Furrer, E. Porcu, 2019. “A turning bands method for simulating isotropic Gaussian random fields on the sphere”. Statistics & Probability Letters, 144, 9-15.
  • O. F. Peredo, D. Baeza, J. M. Ortiz, J. R. Herrero, 2018. “A path-level exact parallelization strategy for sequential simulation”. Computers & Geosciences, 110, 10-22.
  • N. Madani, X. Emery, 2018. “A comparison of search strategies to design the cokriging neighborhood for predicting coregionalized variables”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, in press.
  • A. Peron, E. Porcu, X. Emery, 2018. “Admissible nested covariance models over spheres cross time”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, in press.
  • D. Arroyo, X. Emery, 2018. “Simulation of intrinsic random fields of order k with a continuous spectral algorithm”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, in press.
  • A. Hekmatnejad, X. Emery, M. Alipour-Shahsavari, 2018. “Comparing linear and non-linear kriging for grade prediction and ore-waste classification in mineral deposits”. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, in press.
  • M. Pinheiro, X. Emery, T. Miranda, L. Lamas, M. Espada, 2018. “Modelling geotechnical heterogeneities using geostatistical simulation and finite differences analysis”. Minerals, Vol. 8, n°2, paper 52. o X. Emery, D. Arroyo, 2018. “On a continuous spectral algorithm for simulating non-stationary Gaussian random fields”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 32, n°5, p. 905-919. o A. Adeli, X. Emery, P. Dowd, 2018. “Geological modelling and validation of geological interpretations via simulation and classification of quantitative covariates”. Minerals, Vol. 8, n°1, 7.
  • A. Hekmatnejad, X. Emery, J. Vallejos, 2018. “Robust estimation of the fracture diameter distribution from the true trace length distribution in the Poisson-disc discrete fracture network model”. Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 95, p. 137-146. 
  • M. Maleki, X. Emery, N. Mery, 2017. “Indicator variograms as an aid for geological interpretation and modeling of ore deposits”. Minerals, Vol. 7, n°12, 241.
  • M. Maleki, X. Emery, 2017. “Joint simulation of stationary grade and non-stationary rock type for quantifying geological uncertainty in a copper deposit”. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 109, p. 258-267.
  • D. Baeza, C. F. Ihle, J. M. Ortiz, 2017. “A comparison between ACO and Dijkstra algorithms for optimal ore concentrate pipeline routing”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 144, 149-160.
  • S.A. Hosseini, O. Asghari, X. Emery, M. Maleki, 2017. “Forecasting the grade-tonnage curves and their uncertainty at Mehdiabad Deposit-Yazd, Central Iran”. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, Vol. 58, n°3, p. 217-232. o D. Arroyo, X. Emery, 2017. “Spectral simulation of vector random fields with stationary Gaussian increments in d-dimensional Euclidean spaces”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 31, n°7, p. 1583-1592. o
  • M. Pinheiro, X. Emery, A.M. Rocha, T. Miranda, L. Lamas, 2017. “Boreholes plans optimization methodology combining geostatistical simulation and simulated annealing”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 70, p. 65-75. o S.A. Hosseini, O. Asghari, X. Emery, 2017. “Multivariate simulation of block-support grades at Mehdiabdad deposit, Iran”. Transactions of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining, B: Applied Earth Science, Vol. 126, n°3, p. 146-157.
  • A. Hekmatnejad, X. Emery, A. Brzovic, P. Schachter, J. Vallejos, 2017. “Spatial modeling of discontinuity intensity from borehole observations at El Teniente mine, Chile”. Engineering Geology, Vol. 228, p. 97-106.
  • S.A. Hosseini, O. Asghari, X. Emery, 2017. “Direct block-support simulation of grades in multi-element deposits: application to recoverable mineral resource estimation at Sungun porphyry deposit”. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, vol. 117, n°6, p. 577-585.
  • N. Mery, X. Emery, A. Cáceres, D. Ribeiro, E. Cunha, 2017. “Geostatistical modeling of the geological uncertainty in an iron ore deposit”. Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 88, p. 336-351.
  • N. Madani, X. Emery, 2017. “Plurigaussian modeling of geological domains based on the truncation of non-stationary Gaussian random fields”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 31, n°4, p. 893-913.
  • M. Safikhani, O. Asghari, X. Emery, 2017. “Assessing the accuracy of sequential Gaussian simulation through statistical testing”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 31, n°2, p. 523-533.
  • A. Adeli, X. Emery, 2017. “A geostatistical approach to measure the consistency between geological logs and quantitative covariates”. Ore Geology Reviews, Vol. 82, p. 160-169.
  • D. Mesa, W. Kracht, G. Díaz, 2016. “Textural image classification of foams based on variographic analysis”. Minerals Engineering, 98, 52-59. o M. Maleki, X. Emery, A. Cáceres, D. Ribeiro, E. Cunha, 2016. “Quantifying the uncertainty in the spatial layout of rock type domains in an iron ore deposit”. Computational Geosciences, Vol. 20, n°5, p. 1013-1028.
  • R. Lobos, J. F. Silva, J. M. Ortiz, G. Díaz, A. Egaña, 2016. “Analysis and classification of natural rock textures based on new transform-based features”. Mathematical Geosciences, 48(7), 835-870. o X. Emery, D. Arroyo, E. Porcu, 2016. “An improved spectral turning-bands algorithm for simulating stationary vector Gaussian random fields”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 30, n°7, p. 1863-1873.
  • M. Pinheiro, X. Emery, T. Miranda, J. Vallejos, 2016. “Truncated Gaussian simulation to map the spatial heterogeneity of rock mass rating”. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. 49, n°8, p. 3371-3376. o M. Pinheiro, J. Vallejos, T. Miranda, X. Emery, 2016. “Geostatistical simulation to map the spatial heterogeneity of geomechanical parameters: a case study with rock mass rating”. Engineering Geology, Vol. 205, p. 93-103.
  • M. Nazari-Ostad, O. Asghari, X. Emery, M. Azizzadeh, F. Khoshbakht, 2016. “Fracture network modeling using petrophysical data, an approach based on geostatistical concepts”. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, Vol. 31, p. 758-768. o H. Talebi, E. Hosseinzadeh-Sabeti, M. Azadi, X. Emery, 2016. “Risk quantification with combined use of lithological and grade simulations: Application to a porphyry copper deposit”. Ore Geology Reviews, Vol. 75, p. 42-51. 
  • P. Castillo, B. Townley, X. Emery, A. Puig, K. Deckart, 2015. “Soil gas geochemical exploration in covered terrains of northern Chile: data processing techniques and interpretation of contrast anomalies”. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, Vol. 15, n°2-3, p. 222-233.
  • D. Arroyo, X. Emery, 2015. “Simulation of intrinsic random fields of order k with Gaussian generalized increments by Gibbs sampling". Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 47, n°8, p. 955-974. 
  • N. Madani, X. Emery, 2015. “Simulation of geo-domains accounting for chronology and contact relationships: Application to the Río Blanco copper deposit”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 29, n°8, p. 2173-2191.
  • H. Talebi, O. Asghari, X. Emery, 2015. “Stochastic rock type modeling in a porphyry copper deposit and its application to copper grade evaluation”. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 157, p. 162-168.
  • C. Chevalier, X. Emery, D. Ginsbourger, 2015. “Fast update of conditional simulation ensembles". Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 47, n°7, p. 771-789. 
  • S. Paravarzar, X. Emery, N. Madani, 2015. “Comparing sequential Gaussian and turning bands algorithms for co-simulating grades in multi-element deposits”. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, Vol. 347, p. 84-93.
  • M. Maleki, X. Emery, 2015. “Joint simulation of grade and rock type in a stratabound copper deposit". Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 47, p. 471-495.
  • E. Tajvidi, M. Monjezi, O. Asghari, X. Emery, S. Foroughi, 2015. “Application of joint conditional simulation to uncertainty quantification and resource classification”. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 8, n°1, p. 455-463.
  • H. Talebi, O. Asghari, X. Emery, 2014. “Simulation of the lately injected dykes in an Iranian porphyry copper deposit using the plurigaussian model”. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 7, n°7, p. 2771-2780.
  • M. Maleki, N. Madani, X. Emery, 2014. “Capping and kriging grades with long-tailed distributions”. The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol. 114, no. 3, p. 255-263.
  • X. Emery, D. Arroyo, M. Peláez, 2014. “Simulating large Gaussian random vectors subject to inequality constraints by Gibbs sampling”. Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 46, n°3, p. 265-283.
  • X. Emery, C. Lantuéjoul, 2014. “Can a training image be a substitute for a random field model?”. Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 46, n°2, p. 133-147.
  • Felipe Navarro, Carlos González, Oscar Peredo, Gerson Morales, Álvaro Egaña and Julián M. Ortiz, “A Flexible Strategy for Distributed and Parallel Execution of a Monolithic Large-Scale Sequential Application”, High Performance Computing, 485, ISSN: 1865-0929, Editorial: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, 54-67, doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-45483-1_5 
  • H. Talebi, O. Asghari, X. Emery, 2013. “Application of plurigaussian simulation to delineate the layout of alteration domains in Sungun copper deposit”. Central European Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 5, n°4, p. 514-522. 
  • M. A. Maleki, O. Asghari, X. Emery, 2013. “Simulation of mineral grades and classification of mineral resources by using hard and soft conditioning data: application to Sungun porphyry copper deposit”. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 6, n°10, p. 3773-3781.
  • X. Emery, J. Parra, 2013. “Integration of crosswell seismic data for simulating porosity in a heterogeneous carbonate aquifer”. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 98, p. 254-264.
  • W. Kracht, X. Emery, C. Paredes, 2013. “A stochastic approach for measuring bubble size distribution via image analysis”. International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 121, p. 6-11.
  • J. Parra, X. Emery, 2013. “Geostatistics applied to cross-well reflection seismic for imaging carbonate aquifers”. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 92, p. 68-75.
  • X. Emery, W. Kracht, A. Egaña, F. Garrido, 2012. “Using two-point set statistics to estimate the diameter distribution in Boolean models with circular grains”. Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 44, nº7, p. 805-822.
  • X. Emery, M. Peláez, 2012. “Reducing the number of orthogonal factors in linear coregionalization modeling”. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 46, p. 149-156.
  • D. Arroyo, X. Emery, M. Peláez, 2012. “An enhanced Gibbs sampler algorithm for non-conditional simulation of Gaussian random vectors”. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 46, p. 138-148.
  • C. Montoya, X. Emery, E. Rubio, J. Wiertz, 2012. “Multivariate resources modelling for assessing uncertainty in mine design and mine planning”. Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol. 112, p. 353-363.
  • Cárdenas, E., Townley, B., Ortiz, J., & Kracht, W, 2014. Geochemical quantitative mineral characterization for geometallurgical applications in porphyry copper deposits.
  • Gutiérrez, R., Ortiz, J. M., & Townley, B. (2013). Categorical variables simulation incorporating local varying anisotropy. o J.M., Ortiz. (2014). Challenges in analysis of geo-metallurgical data: Linking numbers with interpretations.
  • Lois, P., Kracht, W., Townley, B., & Ortiz, J. (2014). Water/rock interactions and physicochemical controls on mineral processing: being predictive based on geology.
  • Lois, P., Townley, B., Kracht, W., & Ortiz, J. M. (2013). Physicochemical modeling of the behavior of different mineralogical units in milling and flotation. o Ortiz, J. M. (2014). Geometallurgical Modelling and Mine Planning, CSIRO Chile Program 2.
  • Ortiz, J. M., & Magri, E. J. (2014). Designing and Advanced RC Drilling Grid for Short-Term Planning in Open Pit Mines: Three Case Studies. The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 114(8), 631–639. 
  • Pérez, C., Mariethoz, G., & Ortiz, J. M. (2014). Verifying the high-order consistency of training images with data for multiple-point geostatistics. Computers & Geosciences, 70, 190–205.
  • Peredo, O., & Ortiz, J. M. (2014). Resurrecting GSLIB by code optimization and multi-core programming. In Geostatistical and geospatial approaches for the characterization of natural resources in the environment: Challenges, Processes and Strategies. New Dehli, India.
  • Peredo, O., Ortiz, J. M., Herrero, J. R., & Samaniego, C. (2014). Tuning and Hybrid Parallelization of a Genetic-based Multi-Point Statistics Simulation Code. Parallel Computing, 40(5), 144–158.
  • Peredo, O., Ortiz, J. M., & Leuangthong, O. (2014). Inverse modeling of moving average kernels for 3D Gaussian simulation. Paris, France. o Rezaee, H., Asghari, O., Koneshloo, M., & Ortiz, J. M. (2014). Multiple-Point Geostatistical Simulation of Dykes: Application at Sungun Porphyry Copper System, Iran. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 1–15.
  • Soto, F., Ortiz, J. M., Herreros, D., & Valencia, M. (2013). Geometric restitution for improving mineral resource estimation applied to Peumo deposit.
  • X. Emery, 2012. “Co-simulating total and soluble copper grades in an oxide ore deposit”. Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 44, nº1, p. 27-46.
  • X. Emery, 2012. “Cokriging random fields with means related by known linear combinations”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 38, nº1, p. 136-144.
  • X. Emery, J.M. Ortiz, 2012. "Enhanced coregionalization analysis for simulating vector Gaussian random fields". Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 42, p. 126-135.
  • X. Emery, J.M. Ortiz, 2011. "Two approaches to direct block-support conditional co-simulation", Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 37, nº8, p. 1015-1025.
  • X. Emery, J.M. Ortiz, 2011. "A comparison of random field model beyond bivariate distributions", Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 43, nº2, p. 183-202.
  • X. Emery, C. Lantuéjoul, 2011. “Geometric covariograms, indicator variograms and boundaries of planar closed sets”. Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 43, nº8, p. 905-927. o X. Emery, M. Peláez, 2011. “Assessing the accuracy of sequential Gaussian simulation and cosimulation”, Computational Geosciences, Vol. 15, nº4, p. 673-689. o X. Emery, J.M. Ortiz, 2011. “Two approaches to direct block-support conditional co-simulation”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 37, nº8, p. 1015-1025.
  • X. Emery, J.M. Ortiz, 2011. “A comparison of random field models beyond bivariate distributions”, Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 43, nº2, p. 183-202.
  • X. Emery, 2010. “On the existence of mosaic and indicator random fields with spherical, circular and triangular variograms”, Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 42, nº8, p. 969-984. o X. Emery, J. Cornejo, 2010. “Truncated Gaussian simulation of discrete-valued, ordinal coregionalized variables”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 36, nº10, p. 1325-1338.
  • X. Emery, 2010. “Iterative algorithms for fitting a linear model of coregionalization”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 36, nº9, p. 1150-1160.
  • X. Emery, 2010. “Multi-Gaussian kriging and simulation in the presence of an uncertain mean value”, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 24, nº2, p. 211-219.
  • X. Emery, J. Hernández, 2010. “A computer package for modeling and simulating regionalized count variables”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 36, nº1, p. 24-33.
  • J. Hernández, X. Emery, 2009. “A geostatistical approach to optimize sampling designs for local forest inventories”, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 39, nº8, p. 1465-1474. 
  • X. Emery, 2009. “Change-of-support models and computer programs for direct block support simulation”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 35, nº10, p. 2047-2056.
  • X. Emery, 2009. “The kriging update equations and their application to the selection of neighboring data”, Computational Geosciences, Vol. 13, nº3, p. 269-280.
  • X. Emery, D.A. Silva, 2009. “Conditional co-simulation of continuous and categorical variables for geostatistical applications”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 35, nº6, p. 1234-1246.
  • X. Emery, L.N. Robles, 2009. “Simulation of mineral grades with hard and soft conditioning data: Application to a porphyry copper deposit”, Computational Geosciences, Vol. 13, nº1, p. 79-89.
  • X. Emery, 2008. “A turning bands program for conditional co-simulation of cross-correlated Gaussian random fields”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 34, nº12, p. 1850-1862. o X. Emery, 2008. “Statistical tests for validating geostatistical simulation algorithms”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 34, nº11, p. 1610-1620.
  • X. Emery, 2008. “Uncertainty modeling and spatial prediction by multi-Gaussian kriging: Accounting for an unknown mean value”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 34, nº11, p. 1431-1442.
  • X. Emery, J.M. Ortiz and A.M. Cáceres, 2008. “Geostatistical modelling of rock type domains with spatially varying proportions: Application to a porphyry copper deposit”, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol. 108, nº5, p. 285-292.
  • X. Emery, 2008. “Change of support for estimating local block grade distributions”, Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 40, nº6, p. 671-688.
  • X. Emery and C. Lantuéjoul, 2008. “A spectral approach to simulating intrinsic random fields with power and spline generalized covariances”, Computational Geosciences, Vol. 12, nº1, p. 121-132.
  • X. Emery, 2008. “Substitution random fields with Gaussian and gamma distributions: Theory and application to a pollution data set”, Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 40, nº1, p. 83-99.
  • J. Boisvert, J.M. Ortiz, and C.V. Deutsch, 2008. "Local Recoverable Reserves Prediction with Block LU Simulation", International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering, 1(1): 3-21, April 2008.

Publicaciones en congresos

  • A. Ehrenfeld, A. Egaña, 2018. “Geometallurgical variables characterization using hyperspectral images and machine learning techniques”. 38th International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (Apcom 2017) August, 2017, Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado USA.
  • Byron Riquelme, Erika González, Sebastián García, Brian Townley, Manuel Caraballo, Felipe Navarro, Fabián Soto, Andrés Vicencio, Roberto Collao, Felipe Noriega. “Estrategias de caracterización y explotación de tranques de relave provenientes de minería de pórfidos cupríferos”. In XV Chilean Geological Congress, Concepción, Chile, 2018.
  • Marcia Ojeda, Felipe Navarro, Marcelo Farías and Nancy Hitschfeld. “Metodología de validación de técnicas de restauración de cuerpos geológicos en 3D”. In XV Chilean Geological Congress, Concepción, Chile, 2018. 
  • Mauricio Garrido, Exequiel Sepúlveda, Julián M. Ortiz, Felipe Navarro and Brian Townley, “A methodology for the simulation of synthetic geometallurgical block models of porphyry ore bodies”; PROCEMIN-GEOMET, 5th International Seminar on Geometallurgy, Santiago, Chile, 2018.
  • Daniel Baeza, Felipe Navarro, Mauricio Garrido, Alvaro Egaña and Brian Tonwley. “Geometallurgical modeling methodology based on Data Science”. In RFG 2018 – Resources for Future Generations – Premier Conference on Energy, Minerals, Water and the Earth, Vancouver, Canada, 2018.
  • Mauricio Garrido, Exequiel Sepúlveda and Felipe Navarro, “Optimization of planning and scheduling of ore body with open pit extraction considering homogeneity in clays as geometallurgical variables”, GEOMIN-MINEPLANNING, 5th International Seminar on Geology for the Mining Industry, Santiago, Chile, 2017.
  • Andrés Vicencio, Marcia Ojeda, Daniel Baeza, and Felipe Navarro. “The impact of geometric variation on the resource estimation quality using an unfolding methodology”. In GEOMIN 2017 – 5th International Seminar on Geology for the Mining Industry, 2017.
  • Fabián Soto, Mauricio Garrido, Gonzalo Díaz, and Cristóbal Silva. “Rapid multivariate resource assessment”. In GEOMIN 2017 – 5th International Seminar on Geology for the Mining Industry, 2017.
  • Marcia Ojeda, Andrés Vicencio, Daniel Baeza, Felipe Navarro, and César Arriagada. “Restauración 3d de modelos geológicos basados en un sistema masa-resorte”. In XX Congreso Geológico Argentino, 2017.
  • Daniel Baeza, Felipe Navarro and Brian Townley, “Applying data science techniques to metallurgical characterization”, GEOMET 2016 – 3rd International Seminar on Geometallurgy, PERU, Lima, 2016.
  • Mauricio Garrido, Felipe Navarro, Exequiel Sepúlveda and Brian Townley, “A case study of geometallurgical modeling of metal recovery with unequal sampling”, GEOMET 2016 – 3rd International Seminar on Geometallurgy, PERU, Lima, 2016. o Felipe Navarro, Daniel Baeza, Dafne Herreros and Marcos Valencia, “Calculating ore resources on complex geology using a geometric restitution methodology: from modeling to the estimation”, U-Mining 2016: First International Conference on Underground Mining, CHILE, Santiago, 2016.
  • Felipe Navarro, Gonzalo Díaz, Mauricio Garrido, Julián M. Ortiz and Alvaro Egaña, “New human-computer interfaces to capture expert geological knowledge”, MININ 2016 – 6th International Conference on Innovations in Mine Operations, CHILE, Santiago, 2016.
  • Carlos González, Felipe Navarro, Camilo Rojas, Maite Gonzalez, Sergio Pardo, Diana Comte, Daniel Carrizo, Marcos Díaz and Jaime Salvo, “An immersive 3D geological and mining data visualization environment”, MININ 2016 – 6th International Conference on Innovations in Mine Operations, CHILE, Santiago, 2016.
  • Mauricio Garrido, Christian Silva, Juan Becerra, Felipe Navarro and Brian Townley, “Incorporation of geological information on unfolding and restoration of veins for ore body evaluation”, MININ 2016 – 6th International Conference on Innovations in Mine Operations, CHILE, Santiago, 2016.
  • Mauricio Garrido, Felipe Navarro, Julián M. Ortiz and Josemar Moreira, “Resource assessment with unfolding methodology: a case study”, MININ 2016 – 6th International Conference on Innovations in Mine Operations, CHILE, Santiago, 2016.
  • Antonio Barberán, Alfredo López, Carsten Friedrich, Felipe Navarro, Carlos González, Nelson Morales and Alvaro Egaña, “Abeja VGML: geometallurgical applications on cloud services”, MININ 2016 – 6th International Conference on Innovations in Mine Operations, CHILE, Santiago, 2016.
  • Felipe Navarro, Mauricio Garrido, Carlos González, Daniel Baeza, Fabián Soto, Alvaro Egaña, Dafne Herreros and Marcos Valencia, “U-Fo: An Innovative Successful Case of Geological Resource Assessment on Gold Deposits Under Complex Geometries”, MINEXCELLENCE 2016 – 1st International Seminar on Operational Excellence in Mining, CHILE, Santiago, 2016.
  • Oscar Peredo, Felipe Navarro, Mauricio Garrido and Julián M. Ortiz, “Incorporating distributed Dijkstra’s algorithm into variogram calculation with locally varying anisotropy”, Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium APCOM 2015, EEUU, Fairbanks, AK, 2015.
  • Fabián Soto, Julián Ortiz y Mauricio Garrido. “U-Fo: software para la evaluación de recursos en presencia de fallas y pliegues”. In GEOMIN 2015 – 4th International Seminar on Geology for the Mining Industry, 2015.
  • Daniel Baeza, Oscar Peredo, Felipe Navarro and Julián M. Ortiz, “GPU parallelization of geostatistical simulation for mineral reserves quantification”, NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference, EEUU, San Jose, CA, 2014.
  • Fabián Soto, Dafne Herreros y Marcos Valencia. “Restitución geométrica para mejorar la estimación de recursos aplicada al depósito Peumo”. In GEOMIN 2013 – 3th International Seminar on Geology for the Mining Industry, 2013.