Revistas ISI: 2007
- J.M. Casas, C. Paipa, I. Godoy, T. Vargas, (2007).“Solubility of sodium-jarosite and solution speciation in the system Fe(III)-Na-H2SO4-H2O at 70°C”, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 92, nº2-3, p. 111-119.
- X. Emery and K.E. González, (2007). “Probabilistic modelling of mineralogical domains and its application to resources evaluation”, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol. 107, nº12, p. 803-809.
- T. Marin, A. Warczok, G. Riveros, T. Utigard and G. Plascencia, (2007). “Kinetics of liquid copper reduction with graphite”, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol. 46, nº4, p. 379-384.
- C. V. Deutsch, O. Leuangthong, J. M. Ortiz, (2007). “A case for geometric criteria in resources and reserves classification”, Transactions of Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME), Vol. 322, pp. 1-11.
- J. J. Quinn, W. Kracht, C. O. Gomez, C. Gagnon, J. A. Finch, (2007). “Comparing the effect of salts and frother (MIBC) on gas dispersion and froth properties”, Minerals Engineering, 20 (14), 1296-1302.
- X. Emery, (2007). “Conditioning simulations of Gaussian random fields by ordinary kriging”, Mathematical Geology, Vol. 39, nº6, p. 607-623.
- X. Emery, (2007). “Simulation of geological domains using the plurigaussian model: New developments and computer programs”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 33, nº9, p. 1189-1201.
- X. Emery and J.M. Ortiz, (2007). “Weighted sample variograms as a tool to better assess the spatial variability of soil properties”, Geoderma, Vol. 140, nº1-2, p. 81-89.
- X. Emery, (2007). “On some consistency conditions for geostatistical change-of-support models”, Mathematical Geology, 39(2):205-223.
- R. Castro, R. Tueman, A. Halim, (2007).“A study of isolated draw zones in block caving mines by means of a large 3D physical model”. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 44(6):860-870.
- X. Emery, (2007). “Reducing fluctuations in the sample variogram”, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 21(4):391-403.
- A. Warczok, G. Riveros, (2007). “Slag cleaning in crossed electric and magnetic fields”, Minerals Engineering, 20(1):34-43.
- G. Riveros, A. Warczok, (2007). “Magnetohydrodynamic siphon for tapping out liquid metals”, Minerals Engineering, 20(1):44-51.
- X. Emery, (2007). “Using the Gibbs sampler for conditional simulation of Gaussian-based random fields”, Computers & Geosciences, 33(4):522-537.
- J. M. Ortiz, S. Lyster, C. V. Deutsch, (2007). “Scaling multiple-point statistics to different univariate proportions”, Computers & Geosciences, 33(2):191-201.
- J. P. Ibañez, J. Ipinza, L. Cifuentes, (2007). “Separación electro dialítica de Cu(II) y As(V) en electrolitos ácidos”, Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid), 43(1), 5-10.
- L. Cifuentes, J M Castro, G Crisostomo, J M Casas, J Simpson, (2007). “Modelling a copper electrowinning cell based on reactive electrodialysis”, Applied Mathematical Modelling 31(7), 1308-1320.
- X. Emery and K. González, (2007). “Incorporating the uncertainty in geological boundaries into mineral resources evaluation”, Journal of the Geological Society of India, 69(1), p. 29-38.