Revistas ISI: 2008
- Tobias S. Rötting, Manuel A. Caraballo, José A. Serrano, Carlos Ayora, Jesús Carrera, (2008).“Field application of calcite Dispersed Alkaline Substrate (calcite-DAS) for passive treatment of acid mine drainage with high Al and metal concentrations”. Applied Geochemistry, 23, 1660-1674.
- Antonio M. Álvarez-Valero, Rafael Pérez-López, João Matos, Maria A. Capitán, Jose Miguel Nieto, Reinaldo Sáez, Joaquin M. Delgado, Manuel A. Caraballo, (2008). “Potential environmental impact at the abandoned São Domingos mining district (IPB, SW Iberian Peninsula): evidence from a geochemical and mineralogical characterization”. Environmental Geology, 55, 1797-1809.
- Voisin, L. and Itagaki, K., (2008). “Fundamental study on arsenic and antimony elimination from iron base alloys by using pig iron”, Shigen to Sozai, MMIJ, 124, No. 6, 7, 417-425.
- Voisin, L. Okura, T. and Itagaki, K., (2008). “Phase relations, activities and precious metal distribution in the Cu-Fe-S-Sb Systems saturated with carbon at 1200 oC”, Mater. Trans., JIM, 49, No. 6, 1311-1319.
- J. Vallejos, (2008). “Hydrostatic compression model for sandy soils”. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 45, p. 1169-1179.
- G.D. Gonzalez, D. Miranda, A. Casali, G. Vallebuona, (2008). “Detection and identification of ore grindability in asemiautogenous grinding circuit model using wavelet transform variances of measured variables”, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 89(1-4), 53-59.
- L. Cifuentes, P. Arriagada, (2008). “Copper electrowinning in a moving bed cell based on reactive electrodialysis”, Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid), 44(2), 151-161.
- J. Boisvert, J.M. Ortiz, and C.V. Deutsch, (2008). “Local recoverable reserves prediction with block LU simulation”, International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering, 1(1): 3-21.
- X. Emery, (2008). “A turning bands program for conditional co-simulation of cross-correlated Gaussian random fields”. Computers & Geosciences 34 (12), 1850-1862.
- X. Emery, (2008). “Statistical tests for validating geostatistical simulation algorithms”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 34, nº11, p. 1610-1620.
- X. Emery, (2008). “Uncertainty modeling and spatial prediction by multi-Gaussian kriging: Accounting for an unknown mean value”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 34, nº11, p. 1431-1442.
- X. Emery, (2008). “Change of support for estimating local block grade distributions”, Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 40, nº6, p. 671-688.
- X. Emery, J.M. Ortiz and A.M. Cáceres, (2008). “Geostatistical modelling of rock type domains with spatially varying proportions: Application to a porphyry copper deposit”, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol. 108, nº5, p. 285-292.
- Kracht, W., Gomez, C.O., Finch, J.A., (2008). “Controlling bubble size using a frit and sleeve sparger”. Minerals Engineering 21 (9). 660-663.
- Trueman R., Castro, R., Halim A, 2008. “Study of multiple draw-zone interaction in block caving mines by means of a large 3D physical model”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, vol 45 issue 7, pp. 1044-1051.
- G. Vallebuona, A. Casali, F. Rodríguez, D. Endara, (2008). “Distribuciones de tamaño de burbujas en celdas de flotación de laboratorio e industrial y modelación del efecto de las variables de operación”; Revista de Metalurgia, 44 (3), Marzo-Abril 2008, pp. 233-242.
- J.B. Boisvert, O. Leuangthong, J.M. Ortiz, C.V. Deutsch, (2008). “A methodology to construct training images for vein type deposits”, Computers & Geosciences, volume 34, issue 5, p. 491-502.
- JM Casas, P Acuña-Goycolea, G Crisostomo, L Cifuentes, 2008. “Processing of a ferric anolyte produced by a copperelectrowinning cell based on reactive electrodialysis”, Minerals Engineering 21(7), 525-532, 2008
- X. Emery and C. Lantuéjoul, (2008). “A spectral approach to simulating intrinsic random fields with power and spline generalized covariances”, Computational Geosciences, Vol. 12, nº1, p. 121-132.
- X. Emery, (2008). “Substitution random fields with Gaussian and gamma distributions: Theory and application to a pollution data set”, Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 40, nº1, p. 83-99.
- L. Cifuentes, J.M. Casas and J. Simpson, (2008). “Modelling the effect of temperature and time on the performance of a copper electrowinning cell based on reactive electrodialysis”, Chemical Engineering Science 63 (4) 1117-1130, 2008.